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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A Jim Sullivan memorial group build

August 31, 2023 · in Aviation · · 22 · 428

Had a lot of fun with this one. Tried new things like using pastels on an aircraft fuselage for weathering, I had done exhausts just not the whole airframe before, cut out wing tip lenses and used clear sprue for new ones. I found the depth of color you can get with pastels did a good job of varying the blue hues. the build thread can be found here.

The biggest victory for me was showing the yellow zinc chromate primer just barely showing through the blue paint, then chipping on top of it. It represents a typical Corsair from VMF-214 Solomon Islands 1943-44

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 2  5 

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22 responses

  1. Well done, Rob. Nice memorial to Jim. I enjoyed watching your build.

  2. Thanks Gary, Jim helped me a lot on my 1/32 Corsair, funny I didn't put 2+2 together that he was THE Jim Sulivan until later. Then I was all "wow Jim Sullivan took the time to help me with my Corsair", I have saved all of his messages and pictures he sent me.

  3. Great build Rob 😊 it's always good to try new techniques and see them improve modelling skills. Nice one 👍

  4. Those subtle color variations...amazing. Great, great work!

  5. It came out excellent imo. Weathering is one of the best part about modelling, a try and error method that pushes us to better outcomes. Thumbs up!

  6. Amazing job, Rob! A great tribute to Jim!

  7. The pastel work is great, Rob, but shouldn’t it be posted in “aviation”?

  8. Simply lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Well done- love the weathering and finish work you put into this

  10. Whew - what a beauty! Your experimenting paid off well! Love the primer showing through, and the subtle shades you achieved with the pastel weathering.

  11. Great job on your weathering! As others have said, your experiments really paid off. Perfect tribute to Jim.

  12. Thanks everyone!

  13. That's terrific painting and weathering.

  14. I have found out that weathering a model is a lot of experimenting with different colors and shades to achieve the realism you're looking for. As the old saying goes, "Less is More" is definitely the case when it comes to dry brushing. You've done a great job on your plane!

  15. Excellent work, Rob. The yellow primer looks just right.

  16. Thanks again everyone!

  17. Very realistic, looks like a hard working Corsair!

  18. Rob Anderson (@robertandy)
    Your Corsair looks great in the headlines section. I'm glad you decided to try using the pastels like I did on my James Cupp F4U. I think it works out very well to replicate the underlying Yellow ZC.

    Thanks for building this for our Jim Sullivan group. I read where you mentioned how he was THE Jim Sullivan and how he helped you with your model. I saved all of my emails and all of the pictures he sent me too. He was always willing to help if you had a question. I sent him some Corsair pictures that I took as a kid of several restorations that happened in the 1970's. He was appreciative and always helpful.

    He helped me to become the Corsair fanatic that I am today. The F4U is my favorite plane.

    Yours looks wonderful, and it was nice to follow along with your WIP.
    Take care.

  19. Really nice weathering, Rob (@robertandy). I was taking notes during your WIP so I can try some of your techniques. Well done.

  20. Wonderful result, Rob @robertandy
    This weathering did turn out really good, especially the zinc coming through is really nicely done.
    Jim would have loved to see this one, a great tribute.

  21. The realistic weathering pushes this one over the top, Rob (@robertandy). I have been taking notes in your WIP for my future builds. Well done.

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