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Jay Mitchell
35 articles

Zvezda 1/48 LaGG-3

March 2, 2025 · in Aviation · · 30 · 406

Just a few days before Christmas , 2024, a package arrived in the mail from my friend, Liliya. She had sent gifts for everyone in my family. My wife was given a cool set of nesting dolls, mine was this new release kit that Liliya had gone to the factory in Lobnya to buy.

This is the newest new release kit I've ever built. It was released in September 2024, and purchased for me in October.

It has a very detailed engine and a nice pilot figure. Also the decals allow you the choice of 5 different aircraft each with unique markings.

This model went right to the top of the build list, and as such is the first one I've completed in 2025.

The model is very detailed and most of the parts fit perfectly, or at least nearly so. The clear sliding canopy is the exception. It didn't seem to want to fit just so, but after a brief battle, I got it to fit well enough in the open position to be presentable .

In the past few years I've built a few era aircraft models, it's nice to be able to add one of a type that was almost unknown to me until it arrived unexpectedly on my Oklahoma doorstep a several weeks ago.

Apparently, the LaGG wasn't up to the same high standards as the German fighters it opposed, but it helped buy time until better, more capable fighter types were available.

This is the second Zvezda model I've built, and I think it's equal in quality to Tamiya or other popular manufactures of model kits.

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome 3  1  1 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. Really nice. I don't think I've seen one built before

  2. Nicely done Jay!

  3. Well done, Jay. It looks like a big improvement over the ICM kit.

  4. Excellent result, Jay! What a great thing is to build a kit which was a gift from a friend!

  5. What a wonderful Christmas gift, Jay @ssgt
    I can imagine you enjoyed it a lot to get it together.
    The results are stunning, well done.

    • Thank you. John @johnb !
      Yes, it was fun to build a subject that I wasn’t familiar with…. I couldn’t begin to guess how many Me-109s or Mustangs I’ve built over the years …

  6. Jay @ssgt, your Lagg-3 came out looking really nice! You also have a great looking collection of Russian planes. I like the paint scheme you painted on your Lagg-3

    • Thanks , Bob @v1pro ! If you get the part free of any sprue nubs the parts all fit together great. The modeler has the choice of 2 green & black aircraft or 3 gray & blue/gray aircraft.

  7. wonderful kit, nice job!

  8. Nice job, Jay. Like the grass display. The nesting dolls are cool, too!

  9. Very nice build with a cool looking scheme, Jay @ssgt.

  10. Well done!
    I did an earlier version of the ICM kit a few years ago, maybe it's time to give the Zvezda kit a go.

  11. Great looking bird. Nice details all the way around.

  12. It’s a great kit, Matt @coondog , just the right amount of detail . I’ve got the Zvezda Yak-9D kit to build.

  13. That's a fantastic Russian fighter, Jay @ssgt! 👍 You sure made it look great! 👏

  14. Excellent model, my compliments!
    Zvezda kits are great models: sharp details & crisp molding combined with a great variety of markings. I have the Pe-2 in my display cabinet & an La-5FN in my stash.

  15. Thank you, Gary @garybrantley, I appreciate the kind words. I really like Zvezda models. I haven’t built many Russian aircraft in the past, so they are a little more interesting to me.

  16. This is another WINNER my friend. You did an amazing job on this kit. Thanks for posting it. Your displays and photos are top class and definitely compliment your model and adds to the overall visual appeal of your LaGG.
    You have inspired me to add more WW II Russian aircraft kits from Zvezda to my collection.

    • Hi Morné @mornem ! Thanks for the compliments, I appreciate them . I have one more Zvezda fighter plane to build, a Yak-9D. I’ll probably buy more eventually , they are great kits with no fit problems .

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