7 articles · 0.8K karma · 12 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

Modeling military subjects since 1978 reintroduction to the hobby. Retired museum director (including one military museum and one aviation museum). 8 yr Marine Corps infantry officer. Now totally into the hobby and competitions.

Tamiya Jagdpanzer IV: Such a Great Kit

Hi folks: this is my latest...done today. I’ve worked on it steadily for a few weeks now, trying to avoid the plague. It’s strictly an out of the box effort. This model is yet another wonderfully designed Tamiya kit, with a modest [...]

So far, sort’a kinda’ ok

Ok,…it’s time-out. Here’s my work in progress; a Tamiya 1/35th 38(t) E/F. I decided to stop at this point, with very light dry brushing and pinwash. As an aside, this is a great kit, easy to handle, without lots of fiddly parts, [...]

Troublesome Hellcat

Hi Folks: just finished the 1/72 Dragon F6F-3. I wanted to do the wing-fold for some time. The carrier deck is from Verlinden. However, at least with this kit, or my patience, I found the many parts fiddilly and the kit directions were not [...]

Midway and Aleutians Remembrance...a tiny contribution

Hi Folks: Here's a small reminder of the Aleutians campaign, inspired by a Bing Images photo of a long-abandoned Japanese Type 41 75mm mountain gun on Kiska. The kit is a 1/35th offering from Fine Molds.

It’s Twins!… well, sort of?

Finished, last night and this morning...these two have haunted my workbench for several months, and at last they are completed! Both are Tamiya's 1/72 A6M2b kit; one a Pearl Harbor raid Zuikaku machine with kit decals and the other a 1942 [...]

Aleutian 75

Joining the Midway Group Build, I thought a ground subject might offer something different. Given my glacial building speed, a newer release (2013) and low parts count (38 for the gun) would stand a better chance of completion by June. [...]

An Experiment

When mixing small batches of paint for hand brushing, I need that paint to stay "open" and workable for a decent interval. Heat from my desk lamps further decreases the paint's workable time. In the past, I've used Windsor & [...]