7 articles · 1.1K karma · 27 friends · active 23 hours, 21 minutes ago

Generally a maker of all things that interest me. I've been sticking plastic together since I was 5...still trying to get good at it.

Boatload on the bench

Afternoon all, Its been a while since I've posted anything. I haven't finished anything over the past 6 months, but I've got a c**p ton (it's a technical term) in progress. I'm cranking hard on them to try and get them done before we [...]

Any landing you can walk away from

Evening all, Here is my humble first attempt at a vignette. This is the 1/72 Italeri Corsair, which due to the simple nature of the kit led me to want to do something else with it. I tried to portray a bird that had been hit but was able [...]

2018…I actually finished something this year!!!

I always looks at everyone's year in review compendiums with awe at both the quality and quantity. This is the first year I have ever finished more than one build. I counted it up and I was amazed that I actually finished 7. Its a [...]

Little bit of Armor

Evening all, I just bought a handy dandy new photo booth and have been putting it to good work finally getting my completed builds captured on film...well electrons, but you know what I mean. Anyway here is some armor that I've completed [...]

1/48 Tamiya Tiger Winter Camo

Evening All, This is a 1/48 Tamiya Tiger that I did a couple of years ago but only just now got around to putting it on electrons thanks to my handy dandy new photo booth. Its also my first attempt at trying to use the hairspray chipping [...]

Trumpeter 1/35 AS-90 WIP

Evening all, Here are a couple of quick snaps of my in progress Trumpeter AS-90. This one is a shopping cart full of firsts for me. First time using photo etch First time doing any scratch work (just some add ons and detail work...but [...]

First post…Please be gentle

Evening all, I've been lurking here for a bit and amazed at all the fantastic work. To be honest, I've been hesitant to post my stuff since I don't think it measures up to everyone else. But here goes. These are my two latest [...]