392 articles · 23.6K karma · 191 friends · active 31 minutes ago

Hi, my name is Martin; I am the orginal inventor of iModeler, and proud webmaster of this site.
If you want to know more about me, please read: Editor’s Story: How iModeler came to be.

iModeler is encrypted with https

Dear all, As of today, iModeler uses https for all users and visitors. This means that whenever you access our site, your browser will send and receive data from it using a secure, encrypted connection. This will be indicated by the [...]

iModeler June Awards

A bit of panic struck last week as we realized that it's already past the middle of July and time was really pressing to conclude our monthly contest. Today, after numerous discussions but without further ado, it is my sincere pleasure to [...]

Moson Model Show 2018 – Figures & busts

One of the most inspiring areas to visit at the Moson Model Show is a long pedestal draped in blue cloth that that is the backdrop and the home of the figure competition. I'll let the pictures do all the talking...

Moson Model Show 2018 – 1/48 and 1/32 aircraft, contd.

Continuing our coverage of the competition tables at the 2018 Moson Model Show, here's the 2nd (and in terms of numbers, the main) gallery of 1/48 and 1/32 scale aircraft models.

Moson Model Show 2018 – Steampunk, Sci-Fi, Fantasy

Here's a selection of sci-fi, steampunk and otherwise "fiction" models on display at the 2018 Moson Model Show.

Moson Model Show 2018 – Automotive

Here's a selection of automotive modeling from the 2018 Moson Model Show.

Moson Model Show 2018 – Construction machinery, trucks, utility vehicles

One of the great aspects of the Moson Model Show is that some of the less popular subject areas, such as construction machinery, egg models or even humor (can you spot all the humorous entries in this collection?) are represented in [...]

Moson Model Show 2018 – Armor & diorama, first look

The annual Moson Model Show is a traditional gathering place for modellers from all over Europe. Wit the show just starting in the background, here's a "teaser" selection of contest entries from the armor tables. Enjoy!

Moson Model Show 2018 – 1/48 and 1/32 aircraft, first look

The annual Moson Model Show in Hungary is on this weekend, and the iModeler Crew is at the location! Please expect our usual photo report from the event, plus quite some more in the coming days as we have set up a dedicated photo stand at [...]

iModeler tutorial – Editing comments

Posting a reply or comment on iModeler is a easy enough, but what happens if you made a typo and want to correct it? Or maybe even regret posting your comment in the first place? Don't worry, we have you covered. Comments and replies on [...]