118 articles · 4.5K karma · 5 friends · active 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I'm Tam, owner of a sincere scale model habit, a youtube channel and high blood pressure. I suspect the last two are related.

Sufferer of ADMD. Not a pro by any means nor a 'Master modeller'. I do it simply because I love it. Results will vary, but that's all part of the fun. Sometimes...

My own harshest critic, never actually listens to my own advice, my own worst enemy when it comes to finishing models (LOL whats 'finishing models'), spends more time making youtube videos now than actual models (start a youtube channel they said, it'll be fun they said...) 0.o

Twitter: KAB_Models
FB: Kits And Bits Scale Modelling
Insta: Kits And Bits Scale Modelling
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFPGTX8T_xd9IOVX-a8RSw

Airfix Starter set challenge! 1/72nd Spitfire Mk.Vc

Here is a sneak preview of my entry into to the Airfix starter set challenge (video will be up next monday at 1500 GMT) If youre unaware of the Airfix starter set challenge, It was started by Model Minutes on youtube, and is a challenge to [...]

Airfix 2022 RangeNew Tools, Re-releases and more!


Review: Before you build the Tamiya 1/48th Mosquito FBVIWATCH THIS!


Scale modeller Reacts - Panzermeister36Lord of the StuG's


How to easily apply oil dot filters to your model kitOil Dot filters 101


Coming up in 2022 - Content TeaserFortunes Of War Models


Lessons being a YouTuber taught me. Pt. 2

If the algorithm hates you, you're done for. And the YouTube algorithm is a notoriously fickle beast. It's set up in such a way it promotes videos with lots of likes and comments, and then it promotes it on the front page of YouTube to [...]

Review: 2021 - The review of the yearFortunes Of War Models


Review: Before you build the Hobbyboss 1/48th ME262 A2aWatch This!


Scale modeller ReactsUncle Night Shift, King of chipping
