126 articles · 66.6K karma · 135 friends · active 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
I build 1/72 aircraft, from WWII forward, only build them wheels-up. Until Dec. 2019, all my models were brush-painted (or rattle can if NMF). I finally entered the modern age of the airbrush at the end of that year.
Dad was a fighter pilot so I grew up on airbases - he was trained in T-28, T-34 & T-33, then flew F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4 (Cam Ranh Bay) and T-38 (as IP).
I'm a member of Tulsa Modeler's Forum club (www.tulsaipms.org).
Live in Tulsa, 6 kids, 1 GREAT wife.
Love the outdoors and good friends (stop and visit anytime you're in Tulsa!)
REALLY hope to build my complete stash before I die (does anyone actually know someone who has accomplished this?)!
I'm also a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, so if you ever feel the need for some extra prayer, feel free to reach out.
A few months ago, I was thinking I wanted to build my first t-bolt, and knew I had 3 in the stash - a Tamiya D, a Revell razorback, and one other kit I couldn't remember. My eye landed on this one - an old ACE kit, so I took it out of the [...]
Thanks to all who participated! There was great conversation - swapping of warnings, tips and tricks in the groups area, along with some cajoling and support along the way!
Below are the pics of those who made the deadline, and there [...]
This Recce Phantom is my group build contribution. Relatively fun kit to put together. There were no details in the cockpit, so I did a bit of scratch building to add a center bulkhead, beef up the instrument panels to give them some [...]
As I was responding to Tom Clever's post today of his older Demon build, I decided to post my 1/72 rendition of the Demon.
I've built 2 Emhar kits, and only buy/build them because they are generally the only option (at least at the time) [...]
A friend of mine bought me this kit so that the two of us could both build P-40N's (although his was 32 scale). I liked a couple of the Pacific Theater schemes that came in the box - especially the white-tailed version - but as I was [...]
I wanted to post a few more pics from our show that another photographer sent to me. Next year I promise we'll get more of what was on the tables! We missed a lot of photos this time around...
This was an OOB build - only modifications were to add pilots and drill out the tail end of the missiles.
I was disappointed in the paint work - used Vallejo Light Ghost Grey but took 3 coats to cover, and this time I ended up with brush [...]
I've tabulated the survey results. The top two contenders for the build were the F-4 Phantom and the WWII Japanese fighter/interceptor. The Phantom received one more 1st rank vote, but double the 2nd rank votes, so I'll call that a clear [...]
I enjoy an occasional group build - being forced to build something that wasn't in my current line up of to-build projects. My local club averages 1 group build a year, but thought it would be fun to see if any other aircraft modelers in [...]
The impetus for this project was 4 corsairs residing in my stash - 2 Hasegawa's (used here), a Testor kit, and a newer Tamiya. I wanted to keep the Tamiya for a French version that I had purchased decals for, so settled on the 2 [...]