126 articles · 66.6K karma · 135 friends · active 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
I build 1/72 aircraft, from WWII forward, only build them wheels-up. Until Dec. 2019, all my models were brush-painted (or rattle can if NMF). I finally entered the modern age of the airbrush at the end of that year.
Dad was a fighter pilot so I grew up on airbases - he was trained in T-28, T-34 & T-33, then flew F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4 (Cam Ranh Bay) and T-38 (as IP).
I'm a member of Tulsa Modeler's Forum club (www.tulsaipms.org).
Live in Tulsa, 6 kids, 1 GREAT wife.
Love the outdoors and good friends (stop and visit anytime you're in Tulsa!)
REALLY hope to build my complete stash before I die (does anyone actually know someone who has accomplished this?)!
I'm also a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, so if you ever feel the need for some extra prayer, feel free to reach out.
I always think I'm getting more done than I really am, and was surprised when I looked back at the 2015 completions - until I remember the work it took to finish the Stinger and the MiG-31! I remember when I was a kid I'd build a model on [...]
I'm a bit late to the game - took 2 weeks vaca over the holidays to spend a crowded Christmas with my 6 kids, 3 kids-in-law, one soon-to-be son-in-law, and 5 grandkids - so haven't been keeping up with posts very well!
We just moved in [...]
I promised another series of older builds - here they are: the Novo Sea Hawk F.G.A 6, the ModelCraft Sea Vixen FAW.2, and the Premiere Sea Venom FAW 21.
Again, no seam filling or extra detailing. I did add a whip aerial to the Sea Venom, [...]
For something different, I thought I'd post a collection of German fighters I built quite a few years ago. These were all built before I did anything other than just finishing them out of the box, slapping on some paint, and putting on a [...]
This is a build I did back in 2012. Although I really don't like doing bi-planes at my scale (mostly all that rigging!), I have always loved the Duck and wanted to build one. This is the old Airfix kit (see box shot), and I built this [...]
As I was able to secure the F9F Cougar Detail & Scale eBook offered yesterday, I'm posting my review here. Obviously any serious modeler will be familiar with the printed versions of these books, so as to general content I'll not [...]
Another old Airfix kit build. The Magister is such a unique bird that I had to build it, but didn't like the NMF or other French livery. Finally ran across the IsraDecal offering of decals for Israeli versions and I was good to go!
The [...]
I hadn't posted in a while, so thought I would post up the first "double build" I did - from a few years ago. These were about 5-6 years ago - before I started weathering and post shading, etc. Only real detailing was the exhaust [...]
I was recently directed to this site when I posted for help looking for a set of instructions. I buy most of my kits on auction or used at contests, and twice in 30 days I opened a box that didn't contain instructions.
When someone [...]
Just finished this one. It is an old Revell kit, and pretty toy-like out of the box. I decided to try to dress it up a bit with a Begemon stencils decal set.
There was no cockpit for the back seater, and although I knew it wouldn't be [...]