126 articles · 66.6K karma · 135 friends · active 9 hours, 22 minutes ago

I build 1/72 aircraft, from WWII forward, only build them wheels-up. Until Dec. 2019, all my models were brush-painted (or rattle can if NMF). I finally entered the modern age of the airbrush at the end of that year.

Dad was a fighter pilot so I grew up on airbases - he was trained in T-28, T-34 & T-33, then flew F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4 (Cam Ranh Bay) and T-38 (as IP).

I'm a member of Tulsa Modeler's Forum club (www.tulsaipms.org).

Live in Tulsa, 6 kids, 1 GREAT wife.

Love the outdoors and good friends (stop and visit anytime you're in Tulsa!)

REALLY hope to build my complete stash before I die (does anyone actually know someone who has accomplished this?)!

I'm also a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, so if you ever feel the need for some extra prayer, feel free to reach out.

Hasegawa 1/72 SBD-2 Dauntless @ Midway

What began as an OOB build turned into something a bit more complex. I had 2 SDB's in the stash to pick from for the Midway group build, and selected the Hasegawa SDB-3. The Midway decal set I was able to secure for it was for a Marine [...]

Thank you iModeler! Lucky draw prize arrived!

My first Airfix new-tool kit arrived today, as the random draw award for March. I'm going to have to modify my 2017 build plan to slip this one in, as I'm eager to tackle my first Airfix new-tool kit! Thanks again iModeler for a great [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 E7K1 Type 94 Alf

This was a fairly straight forward build. It did require thinking through the final assembly and rigging sequence to make sure I could handle the model carefully while getting all the fiddly bits and rigging installed. Because I used after [...]

2017 Build Plan (?!)

Well, just for the heck of it, I decided last week what my build objectives are for this year. Part of my problem is that most of my stash is stored in large plastic totes in the garage, and because I don't see them, I don't remember what [...]

Special Hobby 1/72 Yak-17

Several months ago, a modeler in Tulsa passed away, and his family donated the kits to our club asking that we pass them on to modelers who would build (rather than sell) the kits. We ended up distributing the kits to our club members and [...]

A Year In Builds – 2016

I knew I would finish at least one of the 3 in-progress builds during the Christmas break, so wanted to wait until I got that done to add to the "year in the life of a modelaholic" mania sweeping iModeler this December! With my [...]

AviationUSK 1/72 VL Myrsky II

I enjoy old kits and unusual subjects, and this one fit both bills! This was an old AviationUSK bagged kit. Soft plastic, not a lot of parts, vac-formed canopy (which I'm not a real fan of), and butt joints. It also had engraved panel [...]

So Wadja Get For Christmas?

Got some cash under the tree, so spent a few bucks online today... I have recently taken an interest in modern trainers, and have the new Yak and Mig (by Amodel), but just accidentally realized I didn't have the T-4 so snagged on. Then [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 Kfir C-2 – Ecuador

Back when I first got into modeling (mid-80's), one of the first kits I built was the Testor Kfir as an F-21 Navy aggressor. I've always loved the lines of the Mirage family of delta aircraft, especially the modified versions (Kfir, [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 RF-101C Voodoo

Started this over two years ago. Got a bit distracted trying to decide what to do with all the raised panel lines that got obliterated by sanding down the seams, and other builds seemed like more fun! In the end, rather than sanding the [...]