33 articles · 1.3K karma · 9 friends · active 4 months, 3 weeks ago

I’m a 72 yr old retired Freelance TV / Media Producer / Director of Photography. I moved to rural Tennessee after over 15 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. Like moving to a different planet but change and challenge can be cathartic if you chose to keep moving forward. I live with my two (recently now only one…) hounds. I joined IPMS while I was attending and participating in model contests.

Over 15 years ago I started an Antarctic research and expedition project to discover and retrieve the Antarctic Snow Cruiser. My team Glaciologist and I had our research paper published in Polar Geography. Since then we have continued our research, towards funding, additional team partners and topographical opportunities that are in nature’s hands. I designed custom virtual racing simulators and still enjoy racing and developing one in my home theater. I have an exhibit of my models at the Lane Motor Museum in Nashville, Tn. I love reading books, writing comedy, classic rock and Firesign Theater. and NO, I don’t like romantic walks at sunset…:slight_smile:

I am a self taught and later PPG Certified Painter. I specialized in racing, collectable, classic and sports cars. My first Ferrari project won Second Place at its first Ferrari Owner’s Club Concours. I drove my Farina bodied 1952 Siata 1400 Gran Sport while getting two degrees from Purdue University. Since I sold that car (one of 26) it has been restored again and now tours the world on the Concours circuit.

Not sure the exact year I returned to modeling in my adult life. I build ships, cars, helicopters, spacecraft, card models, AFV, armored trains, aircraft, display engines…whatever I find of interest. I’m always interested in connecting with fellow modelers and learning and sharing our great craft. Chasing Perfect.

1/72 Arado 555

Finally after sitting on my shelf, it's finished. A lot of new things like Vallejo Color Magnesium and a bit different than the usual camo versions? Still had a lot of leading edge seam separating? I need to learn a more reliable way of [...]

Italeri Fiat Mephisto

Having fun with this Italeri Fiat kit. I hope to finish it as well as many others have? Not sure I’ll be happy with just painting the body the usual ‘smooth’ finish: Which imho will not accurately represent the beautiful ‘rough’ [...]

Fogged Clear Sprue = any fix?

Just bought this old kit, would have been proper if the seller had mentioned the clear sprue, but some homeless sapiens have honor deficiencies:) Ordered the Squadron Vac set but is there any way I can save this sprue and bring it back to [...]

1/72 Revell Shackleton AEW.2

1/72 Revell Shackleton AEW.2 One of my favorite ‘big wings’. I wanted to build one for many years and for my sins, Revell delivered this great kit! The slide spar wings fit so perfectly they didn’t require glue. I used white metal [...]

Sukhoi or MIG all huge in 1/48

But smaller than this RC :> ( see supercar blondie on utube) Clarence

MIGS..... 1/72 too small...1/48 too big:)

Excuse me for my need to whine... I want to build a MIG 29, Foxbat, or 30 whatever. I just got the 1/72 Trumpeter MIG 29SMT Fulcrum kit. Nice but for me...I don't build 1/72. The 1/48 scale is my preference for aircraft..but in 1/48 a [...]

Tamiya Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger 1 (Sd.kfz.181) Ausfuehrung

FINISHED! My first Tiger / Panzer Grey… there are probably some parts in the wrong places?, so please let me know?:)))…but I had fun if a bit off on the accuracy? An old kit, still had battery markings in inner hull… Hope you [...]

1/24 PROFIL 24 E Type Low Drag Coupe

Rearranging my shelves turns up a kit I've had at least since 2010? Just as I was now starting my second Pocher Alfa by building the wire wheels... and this archived temptation is found?...(they even supplied two vac window sets) "How [...]

1/72 MIL-MOD Antarctic Snow Cruiser w/ Sword Beechcraft

1/72 MIL-MOD Antarctic Snow Cruiser w/ Sword Beechcraft Limited run resin kit with 1/72 Sword Beechcraft added. Many modifications: Yagi antenna, corrected wheel hubs, re cut- re profiled wheel rims, custom strip decals, (courtesy Niels [...]

1/35 Tamiya Panther (Sd.Kfz.171) Aust.A

1/35 Tamiya Panther (Sd.Kfz.171) Aust.A Vintage Tamiya kit. Rubio barrel and white metal individual link tracks. Washes, oil streaks, pigments, assorted mud, lead pencil. Freehand camo. PE front fenders.