57 articles · 10.3K karma · 31 friends · active 11 hours, 25 minutes ago

I started building when I was in the fifth grade and continued through college. After that life got in the way, but I never lost the desire to build again and about 1998 I started building again. I build almost exclusively 1/48th scale aircraft and armor from WWII (especially german), because of their fun and varied camouflage schemes. Posting to this sight has been fun, and a great way to get new ideas from the feed back I receive and also seeing what others are doing.

Steyr Type 1500A/01 Tamiya 1/48

Well this may be a record or at least a par year for me. Its not even June and I have finished my second kit. Okay I cheated, and this was one of my business travel hotel builds that I put together when traveling for business. Still I [...]

BMW R/75 Motorcycle w/Side-car 1/48th Bandai

Being a model builder primarily of what some consider the one true scale, 1/48th the plethora of aircraft models has never really been an issue. The availability of vehicles though was not so abundant. Bandai issued a large series of [...]

Schwimmwagan 1/48th

Seeing all the fun vehicles in 1/35th we are very fortunate that a company like Tamiya decided to start doing the same in 1/48 for those of us that prefer that scale. This is Tamiya's Schwimmwagan, and it is a fun easy build that with a [...]

Arado Ar 234 Blitz Bomber

This is an older build that I was inspired to post after seeing Tom Rogers great build earlier today. While his has a great story behind it, mine doesn't. This is the Monogram/Revell kit and is built basically out of the box, except for [...]

Well Time to get AMBITIOUS!!! A Little Help Please.

Well I finally finish a model after a five year hiatus, and have already have my next project planned. Actually I had it planned and even started before. Of course now that I have already finished 90% or my re-scribing I see a new 1/48 [...]

Fw 189A2 Finished At Last

I posted a week ago that I was close to finishing, The words of encouragement were much appreciated. I got the fiddly bits put on, I used the photoetch gunsights supplied with the kit. They were easier than I thought, but I really do [...]

Almost Done!

I can't believe that I posted pictures in August of last year telling how I was hoping to finish my first model in five years. Well I am so excited to be getting close to finishing, and I thought I would post last in progress pics. I [...]

Five Years and nothing Finished!!

I was just looking and realized that it has been more than 5 years since I have finished a model. It seems after I finished the last one, life took my family and I down a path that has been challenging and kept me away from the hobby. I [...]

Eduard (Academy) 1/48th P-38H a Twin Dragon

Its been a while since I have posted here, I have been busy with work, passing some tests for work, and taking classes for my pilots license. During my free time I have tried to get some model time in and finally finished my first of the [...]

Dirty Dora by Accurate Miniatures in 1/48th Scale

This is the Accurate Miniatures B-25 “Dirty Dora” kit. After seeing one built at a show I knew that I had to have that kit and that I would build it if I ever got it. Fast forward a couple of years, and doing a little trading on [...]