43 articles · 4.1K karma · 19 friends · active 7 years, 9 months ago
As far as building models go, my main interest is WWII era aircraft, those newer planes (I think they are called 'jets') seem to be missing the most important part - the spinning thing on the front! I admire the skills involved in all the models here though, including jets, cars, armor, and ships.
I am a longtime musician, player of banjo, bass, dobro, mandolin and electric guitars, in bluegrass, rock and country bands, though I've semi-retired from that, seeking quieter activities. For my non-hobby time I am a 2nd generation land surveyor, Licensed in Virginia and West Virgina, and have been doing tht for over 35 years now.
Another interest of mine is astronomy and astrophotography.
See this link for some samples I have posted:
This has taken me since mid-January to get done...not because it is so great but because I am so slow...It is the Revell 1/48 B-24D that I have tried to make represent an Atlantic Theater ASW PB4Y-1 (I think that would be the proper USN [...]
Here is my recently finished He-111, done in the suggested 'Blitz Version' night scheme - This is the 1990's Monogram 1/48 kit. The decals promptly fell apart on contact with water, but I cobbled some together from extras and thy are [...]
Here is my just finished Tamiya 1/35 scale M60A1. It is pretty much straight out of box, but I wanted a camo version so I did that, but then used the kit decals for 5th Mechanized Infantry Division, so it is probably not historically [...]
Here is my just finished last night 1/25 scale Revell 1969 Chevy Nova SS, stock version.
The very fragile exterior rear view mirror disappeared today, I must have accidentally breathed nearby or something...
A car about 95% identical to [...]
Fresh off the bench is my latest, the North American F-100D Super Sabre, a Trumpeter 1/48 scale kit.
I didn't start out to build models of jets, but this my 3rd one now, so I guess they are pretty fun too.
The kit offers 4 marking schemes, [...]
I almost forgot to post these today...This is the Eduard 1/48 'Rockin' Rhino" kit. Of the 4 color/decor schemes, I chose "VX-4 Th Evaluators, NAS Point Mugu, 1972" not only because it is cool looking but is the simplest too, [...]
Here's my just finished Stearman PT-17, a 1/48 scale Revell kit I built 'out of the box'. It is the smallest model I've built. the kit goes together real well, maybe it should be part of Revell's "Pro-Modeller' series. Maybe if they [...]
B-29 Doc lifts off after 16 year restoration
I hope I linked it right
This kit has been on my shelf over a year so after finishing my last build I decided it was time for this. I was a bit perturbed when I realized it was 1/32, not 1/35 like like my other two tanks...I like consistency of scale...
Anyway it [...]
Here are a few more photos from my Saturday adventure. more of the C-46,"The Tinker Belle" that a couple of readers said they liked (me too!) and others. Thanks