143 articles · 26.2K karma · 180 friends · active 3 days, 17 hours ago

Baby boomer trying his hand at building models again for the first time. Things have certainly changed since I was 16. Tube cement, small testors bottles of paint and some decals, what more was needed? Started building again in 2009 and have begun learning some new skills and techniques ever since. Have lots of appreciation for those that do excellent work with this hobby, some of the results are truely museum quality. Hope to pass on a love for this hobby to my grandson.

1:1 Scale Boeing B-29 FIFI

The Commemorative Air Force dropped into Lunken Airport to sell some rides on FIFI, one of two B-29's still flying today. The other newly flying B-29 is DOC, named for the Disney character, and is based out of Wichita, Kansas. Was told by [...]

Midway Group Build, 1/48 Tamiya F4F-4 Wildcat Lt E. Scott McCuskey

My final build for the Midway Group is a Wildcat from VF-3 on Yorktown flown by Lt Scott McCuskey. From Little Rock, Arkansas, Scott enlisted in the Navy in 1938 and got his wings and ensign's commission in the Reserves in 1939. He began [...]

D-Day, June 6, 1944

I would call my dad every June 6, and ask him if he remembered what he was doing on that date years ago. Always got the same answer, "Hell yes I do, lucky to have lived through it." Pics are from a ringed book titled a pictorial [...]

Midway Group Build 1/48 Monogram P-39 Airacobra 42nd Fighter Sqd

On June 3,1944 the Japanese began their offensive against American forces station in Alaska, at Dutch Harbor. Most of their bombs fell into the harbor and little damaged occurred. They would return on June 4th and set oil storage tanks on [...]

Midway Group Build 1/48 Hasegawa Aichi D3A1 Type 99 (Val)

In addition to the Midway Campaign the Japanese began their offensive in the Aleutians by staging a bombing raid on the Naval Base at Dutch Harbor on June 3, 1942. Strike force aircraft were launched from the carriers Junyo and Ryujo. Most [...]

Midway Group Build 1/48 AMT P-40E Aleutian Tiger

Hand salute to Louis Gardner for organizing this build and to Chuck Villanueva for the fine introduction to the Midway reveal. And to Martin and staff for maintaining this excellent modeling web site. Well done gentleman. My subject is one [...]

Louisville Show

Traveled down the Ohio River from Cincinnati with some modeling buddies and spent some time at the Military Modelers Club of Louisville annual show. Two hundred plus models on the tables in just about any category you can imagine.Below is [...]

1/48 Monogram TBD-1 Devastator

First, this is not a Midway Group build model. It is however one of the first Navy kits I wanted to build back in 2010 when I re-started my interest in this hobby. Build mostly straight out of the box, but did add some PE belts, some [...]

75th Anniversary Doolittle Tokyo Raid

The USAF Museum is currently sponsoring a two day tribute commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Doolittle Tokyo Raid. Twelve B-25's from all over the country were present and they will participate in a fly over prior to a memorial [...]

Revell 1/24 1960 Corvette

Something a little different for me, a car. Haven't build one since I was 14, and I remember it being a gray gull wing Mercedes. Was prodded into doing this kit from a coworker who builds lots of cars and trucks. The kit was boxed as Skips [...]