6 articles · 4.6K karma · 246 friends · active 1 month ago

Hi! I have been building off and on for 40+ years.

Testors 1/48 F-19

Man it's been a while... I picked this up at an "antique" store for a couple bucks and decided to update the paint scheme. I tried to create a stone look on the base by over-spraying Lt gray, Dk gray, black and white. I hope you [...]

1/48 F-80's

I know these aren't exactly accurate, but it was fun to build and play around with markings, colors etc. 019 is the Monogram kit, 014 is the Lindberg one. I hope you like 🙂

Monogram 1/48th PBY-5(A) Catalina

Here is another "desk top" styled gift for a friend who crewed on these in the U.S. Navy in the late 1940's. 1/48 Monogram PBY-5(A) Catalina.

Monogram 1/48 P-51D

I know this isn't everyone's style, but I like to build models that look like desktop displays. This is a gift for a friend. Standard Monogram 1/48th P-51D. Rattle can paint. NMF is just cheapo silver I hope you like...

Homemade display stand

I made this display stand from a letter opener (80 cents at a second-hand store) , a Basswood base (79 cents at Pat Catan's), some cut and stick automobile rear view replacement cardboard mirror (Walmart for about $7.00), gloss Black [...]

Lindberg F-11 Tiger

This is my latest model, Lindberg F-11 Tiger. I did it as a presentation model.