Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
I hear stamp collecting and knitting are hobbies that lots of people enjoy...
The latest from Bill Bosworth:
1/48 scale scratchbuilt vacuform Kawasaki H6K Ocean Reconnaissance Seaplane (Allied code name Mavis)
The wingspan is 32 inches.
The M.S.406 was Morane's first low-wing monoplane, as well as the first to feature an enclosed cockpit and a retracting undercarriage. Upon entering service in early 1939, it was the French Air Force’s first "modern" fighter [...]
1/72 Brengun, built 06-2022 to 09-2023 for the Desert air war GB, more pic's and details there.
Copper State Models 1:32
Tamiya paints
Gaspatch terminals on Model Kasten rigging
ProperPlane prop.
A straight forward kit by Hasegawa with back engine details and separate flaps. There are relatively few parts and the joint of the main undercarriage to the wing is solid. The only problem with the kit that I found was that there are [...]
Here's what happened when I tried to build two Revell PT-17s at the same time. I spent more time sniffing glue than reading instructions and things got a bit confusing...whatever,
As I was thinking about all the thousands of future [...]
Hi all,
Here’s my rendition of a T-33A of the Royal Netherlands Airforce (RNLAF).
First a bit of history of the T-bird in Dutch service …
The T-33s became operational as from in 1953 with RNLAF mainly for flight training. The aircraft [...]
Here's my build of the ESCI 1/48 Aermacchi MB-326K Impala in early SAAF colors.
Really nice kit with fine recessed panel lines and a good fit. The only after market added is the Neomega resin cockpit and Wolfpack MB MK6 ejection seat as [...]