iModeler Reviews

Reviews of scale model kits, products and publications.

Review: Zvezda 1/48 La-5

The Lavochkin La-5 was developed from the earlier LaGG-1 and LaGG-3 fighters, which had suffered from too-heavy airframes and lack of a suitably-powerful engine. They were among the least popular fighters used by the V-VS during the Great [...]

iModeler Review: Airfix 1/48 Spitfire Vb

In the development of the Spitfire, there is a recurring theme: that outside of the Mk.I, each major sub-type used was actually a “stopgap” design while the “definitive” design undertook more prolonged development. This applies to [...]

Review: Sprue tour! Revell 1/72 Vought Corsair F4U-1A

One of those surprising finds one finds when one finds one isn't looking for one.

Review: 1/48 ICM Do 215B review

Review: Airfix 1/24 Hawker Typhoon Mk1b review

Review: iModeler Review – New Tool 1/48 Airfix Spitfire Vb

Some of you may well be asking why do we need another 1/48 Spitfire? Hasegawa, and Tamiya have both produced excellent kits of the Vb, and there are readily available kits by some of the short run producers - Whether or not any of these [...]

Review: iModeler Review – Airfix 1/72 Bristol Blenheim

Hot off the press – the new tool 1/72 scale Bristol Blenheim Mk1 by Airfix (£14.99 converts to $25 US). These, thankfully, bear no resemblance to the old tool Airfix Mk IV in terms of engineering, detail and, hopefully, build. The [...]

In Box Preview/review: Zoukei Mura 1/48 Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

The box (and its pretty dramatic "What-if" artwork) measures 30x21.5X7.5 cm (11.5x8.5x3 inches)so its not really overly large. (The Hasegawa box is about an inch longer and 2/3 as deep. Inside you will find it is very full with 5 [...]

iModeler Review: Kitty Hawk 1/48 F-101A/C Voodoo

This is taken from my review at Modeling Madness, with the complete collection of photos here. Over the years, there have been a few kits of the McDonnell F-101A/C Voodoo, starting with - if I recall correctly - a box-scale kit from Revell [...]

iModeler Review: The terrible, no good, awful, fatally-flawed Eduard 1/48 Bf-109G-6 (not!)

Gerhard “Gerd” Barkhorn joined the Luftwaffe in 1937 and completed his pilot training in 1939. Flying combat with JG 52 through the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain in 1940, he remained scorelewss though he was shot down [...]