This is the venerable Hasegawa A-4M in Brazilian Navy markings. I also modified a Monogram 1/48 figure as a pilot-pretty close. I have a carrier deck display too. This is a relatively rare boxing I found. I used the Eduard detail set [...]
A nice thing in this site is that I discover models to build that I overlooked in the past.
Trumpeter's Tweet is one of them. It is a nice small kit loaded with features. However, Trumpeter is week with the details and does only part [...]
Tamiya 1:35 M18 Hellcat (MM376) :
Used Value Gears' kit-specific stowage plus other 'stuff' scrounged from the spares box. Tamiya lacquer paints mixed & lightened by eye.
One of my fave WWII vehicles and a huge step-up from the old [...]
Something different for me, I tried a sub!
This is Academy's 1/150 Type IXb U-boat that was kitted as a motorized pool toy! It was accurate in size and outline, but very basic, had a huge, square keel to house a single electric motor and a [...]
After finishing the ZG1 Bf-109, I decided to quickly finish the Hasegawa kit that I had. I bought the Stippling Decals SPH-K72031 from Special Hobby for this aircraft, hoping that this old Hasegawa kit released in 1987 (original molding [...]
Kit: Revell 1:32, Decals Kits World War Birds 1:32
Franz Stigler was born on August 21, 1915 and comes from a Family of Pilots. His father was also a Pilot and observer in the First World War. He began gliding at the Age of 12, became a [...]
Here is an example of a model that almost everything went in directions I did not intend. The model itself is not the best's skeechy in some places and certian major things like landing gear wells are omitted but it's not [...]
This the fourth of six P-40s I built early in 2023 for a club display for the Australian Model Expo. I built them as one group of three and a second group of four. The seventh aircraft was not finished in time for Expo but is now [...]
AMT 2017 Chevrolet Camaro 1/25
See all my models at: (link)
Nikon D7500; Editing using LightRoom
Primer: Eastman 2K
Undercoat: Zero Paints Pure Brilliant White (ZP-1334)
Topcoat: Gravity Colors Synergy Green [...]