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МиГ-21ПФМ, EDUARD, 1/72 ProfiPACK (#70144)

Short story about "white719" (link) Review (link)

Douglas X-3 Stiletto 1/48 Lindberg

The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was a 1950s United States experimental jet aircraft with a slender fuselage and a long tapered nose, manufactured by the Douglas Aircraft Company. Its primary mission was to investigate the design features of an [...]

Eduard 1/48 Bf 109F-4 trop Hans Joachim Marseille’s 14th A/C

Despite the fact that Eduard’s kits usually get glowing reviews I can always find some nits to pick. Granted the level of surface detail in mostly fantastic, and some of the parts fit briliantly. However, some of the parts breakdowns [...]

No grey allowed- JG.54 bf 109 G-1

After completing Tamiya’s 109 G-6 some time ago I was exhausted about building more Messerschmitts, but amidst a P-51 build I had an urge to grab again a one O nine, but this time I chose a more colorful scheme, one from the eastern [...]

Dolfin in a tigers suit1/48 Eduard L-29 Delfin, Czech Air Force

Hi all. This one is the 3rd completed one for the year. It's the Weekend edition of the Eduard 1/48 L-29 Delfin which is the AMK kit in disguise. The markings are one of the options in the box and I can assure that all 184 decals that make [...]

Sukhoi Su-15TM “Flagon F”, Trumpeter 1/48th

Here is a backburner kit that has been rescued due to the on-going panic and hysteria that is gripping the nation, and indeed, the world. So, with plenty of time to finish stalled projects, I have rescued this Trumpeter Su-15TM. This is [...]

Video: Dragon 1/48 Ju188A-1 Racher review

Deutsche Luftwaffe Focke Wulf 190 D-9 "Dora" Major Gerhard Barkhorn

Major Gerhard Barkhorn cannot quite make friends on his first flights with the Focke Wulf 190 D-9, although it is a praised aircraft by all other pilots and fighter pilots. He said that it would have taken about 50 flight hours to master [...]

Mitsubishi F-2B

Hasegawa 1/48, out of box build using modelmaster enamels and DXM decals

Arado Ar 234 Blitz Bomber

This is an older build that I was inspired to post after seeing Tom Rogers great build earlier today. While his has a great story behind it, mine doesn't. This is the Monogram/Revell kit and is built basically out of the box, except for [...]