1/48 scale modeling
6521 articles
Love it or hate it, one has to agree, this airplane has a definite image problem. But you would have to also agree that no other airplane represents the onset of WW2 better. That maybe why only a handful still exist and from I understand, [...]
Tonight we have my first completed build for 2015. First started in December, it was completed in January. Rather quick for me really, but this kit is really a straight forward easy to assemble model. As most know this who have built [...]
This Grumman Hellcat F6F-5 early is my first Eduard kit, a « profipack » which includes ectched-parts (cockpit, engine, external parts), Kabuki masks, and two well detailed Brassin wheels. I've chosen to present a bare engine model, so [...]
Otto Schulz, born on February 11,1911, served with II./JG 27 from 1940. He had achieved moderate success during the battle of Britain and the invasion of Russia but the bulk of his successes were achieved over North Africa, where he served [...]
Well I have been wanting to build a Spitfire for some time now...I read somewhere on iModeler that "you can't have too many Spitfires", so I may just have to build another one!
This is from the Italeri "American Aces" [...]
I don't normally build models of military vehicles, but this was a special case.
Seeing that most modellers of military vehicles are not very interested in ships and that there are usually so few participants in the ships classes at [...]
Eduard 1/48 kit... new set of paint "Mig IAF colors", but I change green .
No problem for building french plane with IAF colors !
Finished about two years ago after I purchased the decals form Bombshell Decals. And they are the bomb, pun intended. Pretty much OOB with just True Detail wheels and the decals added. Use Tamiya and Model Master paints from rattle cans, [...]
Trumpeter kit with polish decals...
A good and big kit . Beware of wheels !
see you soon