The Academy Database at iModeler

505 articles
  • Items tagged with Academy
  • 505 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 11 months ago

1/35 Academy 'Stug IV'

This is the Academy Stug IV. Pretty simple kit, but at 1/2 the price of other similar kits on the market its pretty good. Went together well and wnen it's all finished it definitely looks like it's ready for action. I've always wanted to [...]

ACADEMY 1:48 Grumman TBM-3 Avenger Kit Number #12285

I've had this kit for a long time; it's an Accurate Miniatures re-pop. I've been wanting to do this as an Atlantic Scheme and settled on this version. The thing that delayed the build for years was the lack of information on the underwing [...]

Marines – The hottest way to deliver ordnance

She is all done and looking like she threw down some ordnance! Academy’s 1/35 AH-1Z Viper I used the Flying Leathernecks decals, so many to choose from. I decided on the Red Skeleton Jolly Roger of VMM-163. I picked up the Werner Wings [...]

F-86E (M) HAF

F-86M ACADEMY 1/48 COLOURS ; GUNZE SUPER METALLIC Beatiful kit with no putty. The super metallic gunze are exceptional colours very strong to masking. You can mix them with all the gunze like me with a little gray and fade some [...]

HMS Titanic with “Jack&Rose) on the bow

Dear friends, this is a ship’s period. I present to you this HMS Titanic in 1/700 scale. Kit by Academy, photoetch by Tom’s modelwork and figures by 3D parts and Eduard. Two figure are on the edge of bow; Jack holds Rose at her [...]

A6M5c Zero, Academy 1/72

I found myself inspired by the many wonderful aircraft found on I dug this Zero from the stash thinking it would be a relative short build compared to some of my armor projects. I underestimated the "short build" [...]

P-47D, Academy 1/48, 313th FS/ 50th FG, Philip Savides

Here is my last built. The Academy kit was a surprise for me. Very nice and easy kit. I used LM decals. As usual every comment is welcome! Link with the details for Philip Savides: (link)

My next project and a request for help !.....

Hi fellow iModelers , I'm hoping this will be my next project but I think I will need some help from a kind hearted fellow iModeler or two , as a lifelong fan of Motorhead I was excited to see Airfix brought out this little beauty and put [...]

Academy MiG-21MF Fishbed, 1/48 scale

Hello iModeler! This is one of three kits I managed to finish last year. I used a CMK resin cockpit and wheel wells, and finished it in generic USSR colors using the kit decals and Akan paints. Not a bad kit for the price but I think I [...]

Academy 1/72 OV-10D Bronco – Desert Storm

This is my entry for the Desert Storm group build. I added details to the cockpit - some bulkhead at the rear deck, boxes, cables, ejection handles, etc, knowing it would be pretty visible under that expansive canopy. Nothing extra to the [...]