Bell P-39 Airacobra
63 articles
My first photo show's a black & white photo that I took out of Reed Kinert's air racing book. The paper back book had a red cover, but I don't remember its' name. I just cut out dozens of photos and scanned them into our Apple p.c. [...]
Used Ultracast seat, Vector .30 cal. gun barrels, Eduard Zoom cockpit and some resin from the Aires set. 20 mm canon barrel from brass tubing. Color of Eagles and Pollyscale paints used as well as Tamiya weathering powder. Note on the [...]
Eduard 1/48, P-39Q, 42-19995, CPT William A. Shomo, 71st TRS, 82nd TRG, New Guinea, 1944. CPT (later MAJ) Shomo was nicknamed the “Flying Undertaker” because he actually trained and worked as a mortician in Pittsburgh before the war. [...]
This is the MPM boxing of the Academy P-39 kit. MPM provides a different decal sheet for the kit. I added Eduard seat belts, stainless steel tubing for the cowl guns, drilled out the other guns, Aires main wheels an reworked the nose gear [...]
My last last contribution to this group build. Thanks again to David Thomas for stating this GB, it's been a lot of fun and the selections presented here by fellow iModelers have been truly inspiring. Great historical narratives and some [...]
This is the wonderful Hasegawa P-400 / P-39 kit (depending on what box art you buy, the kits are the same, other than decals). The kit was a lot of fun to build, it goes together without any problems and with a few added details, [...]
Just a little nudge for someone building an awesome 1/32 P-400 on iModeler. Completed this kit probably 7 years ago after deciding to build models again. Boy have I learned a lot since then. This was my first attempt at a como scheme and [...]
Hi, finished this just in time for Christmas, this is the ubiquitous Academy 1/72 P-39Q/N Airacobra, could have been better, could have been worse. I had some fight with the canopy, because i used replacement vac one from CMK set, and this [...]
In my stash were some P-39 decals depicting an Airacobra flown by a 2Lt Bill Fiedler, who had the distinction of being the only American Ace to claim all 5 victories flying the P-39. Being a history buff I was curious as to what happened [...]
I have always had an interest in Portuguese aircraft, as my parents are both from the Acores. This diorama was built as a curiosity for my dad, as he had always seen me building kits from my early teens up until I left the house when I got [...]