The Airfix Database at iModeler

1163 articles
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  • Last addition 4 years, 9 months ago

Airfix kits

Airfix Meteor NF 11 conversion

Following the conclusion of the Second World War, the RAF’s night and all-weather fighter squadrons were equipped with the latest versions of the excellent Mosquito night fighter, which had demonstrated its ability to deal effectively [...]

Just arrived on my front porch

Just arrived. Tore into it like a ravening wolf. A more detailed review will be up at M2 next week. But right off, the surface detail is amazing, more petite even than the recent Fw-190 and Tempest, if such is possible. For those who say [...]

Modeling day with the grandsons

We have our grandkids for a few days while our teacher daughters prepare for school to start next week. Our granddaughter and my wife toddled off to her gymnastics practice, leaving me with two somewhat bored young boys, ages 7 and 9, [...]

1/48 Mustang P-51D by Airfix

My first Airfix model and I must say, beautiful model OOB

North-American P-51-D Mustang Airfix 1/72

It has been a while, but just finished my 1/72 P-51-D Mustang from Airfix. This is the kit with their new tooling and it's a very nice kit to work on. Tolerances are tight and I managed to build it without a single blob of filler. With [...]

Swiss De Havilland Vampire T-11 – Airfix, 1/72

This is a build I've completed some time ago, but was missing here. It was a very simple, yet fun, build a friend of mine asked me to do for him. Actualy, he gave me the kit already built, only for painting. It's the Airfix one, in 1/72, [...]

1/48 Spitfire FR 18.

This is the new Airfix Mk. XIVe kit finished as an FR 18. The XIV/18 are my favorite Spitfires and I’m really glad this kit came about. I bought three of them in early June when they were released. Two were perfectly molded, one had [...]

Airfix 1/48 Curtis H81-A3 (P-40B Tomahawk)

This is a nice kit but my problems started when I decided to put the Aires cockpit in it. It was not that great of an improvement to the kit parts and it was too wide. I sealed the fuselage and inserted it as a unit up through the wing [...]

Airfix 1/48 Spitfire F XIVe

It's a strange but interesting fact that the only "built for that specific powerplant" Spitfire to achieve a large production run was the Mk.I; while there were several other Marks specifically designed to make maximum benefit of [...]

April 2019 random draw winner

I've just returned from my vacation celebrating my 70th birthday and my 30th wedding anniversary, yes I actually got married 30 years ago on my birthday, and a wonderful surprise of the 1/48 Airfix Spitfire MK XIV was waiting for me. [...]