The DH.88 Comet Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with DH.88 Comet
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 month, 4 weeks ago

World's Greatest Air Race: Clear Prop's 1/72 DH. Comet

A Bit O’ History: Built and designed by the De Havilland Aircraft Co, the DH.88 Comet was specifically constructed to participate in the October, 1934 MacRobertson Air Race (aka: “World’s Greatest Air Race”) from RAF Mildenhall, [...]

Portuguese DH-88 Comet ‘Salazar’. Kovozavody Prostejov, 1/72

History The de Havilland DH.88 Comet is a British two-seat, twin-engined aircraft built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was developed specifically to participate in the 1934 England-Australia MacRobertson Air Race from the United [...]

Have You got enough Comet at home?

Hi Everyone! This is my 1:72 DH.88 Comet collection as part of my "Grand plan" to collect all Macrobertson race participant airplane. Two of them are made from the old Airfix kit (with lot of modifications) and the green one is [...]

The Black Magic

I'm a big fan of the Golden Age and also the Macrobertson race - that drived me into this build. This is my 1:48 Comet racer built from the horrible Heritage kit (I mean it!). After I overcome the Airfix 1:72 Comet (another long story) I [...]