The Eduard Database at iModeler

1140 articles
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  • Last addition 9 years, 11 months ago

Eduard model kits

Eduard 1/48 Fokker DVII

This is one I did a while back - my first 1/48 WW1 subject. One of Eduard's (then) new and improved line of WW1 kits. I think it was released in 2005 or so. I recall this one just coming together effortlessly. It was a lot of fun to [...]

Eduard Me109E-1

Still working on my D-Day build, I've become stuck on the tricky fit of the cowls on the Eduard 190 kit, but in the meantime I built this Eduard 1/48 Mw109E-1 with Brassin engine, cockpit and radio bay (not that you can see muck of the [...]

Eduard 1/48 Dassault Mirage IIICJ “Profipack”

This model was done 10 years ago when the kit first came out. It's still the best 1/48 Mirage kit and well worth having, particularly in the Profipack release. Like the Spitfire and the Battle of Britain, the P-51 and the daylight battles [...]

SPAD XIII 1/72 Eduard

Hello! My new job. Elegant French fighter. In my plans for another three or four models of the S-13. Happy viewing! Sincerely, Vlad.

Eduard 1/48 Nieuport 17 and rigging explanation

Ok... I primarily build 1/48 scale WW2 aircraft, but every once in a while I want to branch out. I was introduced to models way back in the stone age when my father would build the Aurora WW1 kits, paint them in oils (he was a dabbling [...]

Eduard 1/48 Polikarpov I-16 Type 10

Here is my first contribution to this great new (to me!) site. It is Eduard's 1/48 scale Polikarpov I-16, Type 10. I used decals from a long OOP Superscale sheet for the code letters/numbers and the 'Betty Boop' on the tail. All other [...]

P-40E Aleutian Tiger

I built this a while ago but thought it would be good for my first iModeler post. This aircraft is from the 343rd FG, 11th FS in the Aleutians 1942. I thought this was different in that there were no blue surrounds on the national [...]

iModeler Review: The terrible, no good, awful, fatally-flawed Eduard 1/48 Bf-109G-6 (not!)

Gerhard “Gerd” Barkhorn joined the Luftwaffe in 1937 and completed his pilot training in 1939. Flying combat with JG 52 through the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain in 1940, he remained scorelewss though he was shot down [...]

Review: The (not so) “Great 109Gate” Brew-Ha-Ha

As with most Brew-Ha-ha's (that's an alcohol-fueled argument anyone outside of it will laugh at) at Hyperscale, the Great 109Gate Whine is mostly "overscale" in the amount of hot air expended by people who don't know what they're [...]

Eduard (Academy) 1/48th P-38H a Twin Dragon

Its been a while since I have posted here, I have been busy with work, passing some tests for work, and taking classes for my pilots license. During my free time I have tried to get some model time in and finally finished my first of the [...]