The Hobby Boss Database at iModeler

391 articles
  • Items tagged with Hobby Boss
  • 391 articles
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  • Last addition 7 years, 1 month ago

Hobby Boss model kits

1/48 FW-190D-11, JV 44, “A Wulf in Parrots clothing”

This is the Hobbyboss FW-190D-11 in 1/48. Its a nice kit, with good engineering and crisp, delicate recessed detail. It requires a little modification to be an accurate D-11 (mis-located wing guns, no upper or lower wing bulges, upper gun [...]

Hobbyboss 1/48 FW-190D-9, Halle, Germany, 1945

Here's my Hobbyboss FW-190D-9, of II/JG6 in May 1945. Its a very nice kit, but could use a few tweeks to make it really stand out. I really like the patched together scheme's of wars end. True Details seat and Ultracast exhaust, Mike Grant [...]


Just finished the Hobbyboss LWS in 1/35. Very much an experiment in weathering techniques for me trying dot filters, oils and streaking to name but a few for the first time! Your commennts/critique is, therefore, welcome!

1/48 Hobby Boss A-10 Thunderbolt II

This is one I built some years ago but as far as I can remember there was no problems with it. The only thing you must remember to do is to put a large weight in the nose or it will sit on its tail.

Hobby Boss 1/72 Northrop F-5E Tiger II

This F-5E Tiger has been built for some months although , life has gotten in the way and I have only just got around to posting it. Its a very inexpensive kit with 4 nice decals schemes including my favorite for the USMC VMFT 401 'the [...]

Astutely Done

When I feel like I’m getting bogged down with builds that are getting too complicated, I like to do a modern sub. It’s a black tube with a few parts attached. (Okay, sometimes there’s a red half or so.) That equals refreshment for [...]

Review: Hobby Boss 1/350 HMS Lord Nelson – Build Review, Part 1

HMS Lord Nelson and her sister ship Agamemnon were the last of the Royal Navies pre-drednaught battleships, often referred to as intermediate dreadnaughts they were designed to be superior to the ships then being constructed by foreign [...]

SU-17M4 Fitter K (Hobby Boss, 1:48)

Dear Friends, one of my latest builds, the Hobby Boss SU-17. I am very pleased with the final result, only the Decals look a little bit "unrealistic"...guess toning them down a little bit would help. Kit was very nice to build, [...]

Father and Son Builds!

Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My eldest son Bill (6 years old going on 38) decided he wanted to join in the fun again! He has a growing of love of jets so our first joint-build was a Gnat - since he loved seeing The Reds [...]

Hobby Boss F-84G Thunderjet 1/32nd scale

Hi everyone: I managed to finish another kit, this time in 32nd scale (I usually do 1/48th). This is Hobby Boss' F-84G which, except for Eduard seatbelts, and some wire brakelines, is OOB. The decals are kit decals; I know, these markings [...]