Hobby Boss model kits
391 articles
Hi there
well my job is keeping me busy and due to this I cannot spend that much time with other work, so I hope you'll understand that I reserve my precious free time for building models. Fortunately I still have some couple of finished [...]
More often than not I now find myself building a model based on some photo that grabs me. Such is the case with this Corsair build. I used the HobbyBoss F4U-4 with the curved windscreen or as HobbyBoss calls it, the early version. The [...]
Long a favourite of mine, I waited for a better kit than the Academy offering but have not found one. Unfortunately the HB kit seems to suffer from a number of issues which made me stick to what I had in the stash. This one has a resin [...]
A major departure from my usual subjects - I tend to stick to 1/32 WWI aviation, but this 1/72nd A7D was built under commission, as a presentation piece for the pilot who flew the original, pictured below. He was an RAF Test Pilot, on an [...]
Some history:
This kit was launched by Hobby Boss in 2010 and is not the most recent version for the light German tank PzKpfw I (Panzer Kampfwagen) available from this kit manufacturer. The kit is well detailed with numerous small plastic [...]
This is the HobbyBoss Kamov Ka-29 “Helix-B”, in 1/72nd scale. The kit exterior is pretty nice, however, there is very little detail inside of the cockpit or the rear transport compartment. I added a little scratchbuilt detail inside [...]
Hobbyboss’ Pola in 1:350 sucks. It’s the old kit from Tauro, that Hobbyboss has scaled up to 1:350. That means, that all the problems of the original kit, have been enlarged by one eight. In the process, Hobbyboss made some [...]
This is the first Hobby Boss kit I've built, and I was not ready for all the internal detail, complete engine and crew compartment - what a fabulous kit! Unfortunately with what I had planned for it I never built the interior, except for [...]
Tonight I revised the article on my latest build, a Hobby Boss F4U-1 "early", which is hot off the work bench. The revision is due in part by observations and information from our fellow Imodeler members, namely my friends and [...]