The italian Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with italian
  • 11 articles
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  • Last addition 2 months ago

1/72 Fiat CR.42 Falco, VINTAGE Revell H-648

Another inspiration while reading R.S.Tucks biography, 'Fly for your Life', I did not know that the Regia Aeronautica sent aircraft to participate in the Battle of Britain. One learned fact the book does report was that the Fiat C.R.42 [...]

1/72 Macchi C.200, Hobby Boss 80291

I learned a few things building this Macchi C.200 from Hobby Boss (#80291). First thing as the name, Saetta translates to Lightning. Another was the initial C. stood for Castoldi to emphasize recognition of the Macchi company chief [...]

43 - 1/48 Italeri Bell AB-212 / UH-1N

I enjoyed this kit so so much, what a beautiful helicopter. As always it needed a few upgrades but those are what makes it individual and interesting. I decided to do the Italian ISAF version that was used in Afghanistan. I started out in [...]

40 - 1/48 Italeri F16 Fighting Falcon

This build started out as the grey Italian Scheme until a friend donated the 100 hours Decals to me, so it had to become that. It was a challenge to do the black paint in a way that made it look interesting because it still had to be clean [...]

38 - Italeri 1/35 ABM 41/42

Well when I saw this awesome desert vehicle with that daunting camoflage I just had to attempt it - My 1st 1/35 scale vehicle and man was I impressed with Italeri. What a great kit. Started with assembly on the drive train and the body [...]

Airfix Bf 109 G-6, 1/72

This was from an old Dogfight Doubles kit (along with a Beaufighter - coming soon). I wasn't actually sure what model of 109 it was, so had to learn about all the variations to figure out what it most closely resembled. Then did some work [...]

Macchi MC 202 from Hasegawa

My version of the Hasegawa Macchi MC 202 presented for iModeler colleagues. This kit is just 'aces'! It builds so amazingly well. It is painted in Model Master enamels. The MC 202 Folgore mated the famed (and feared) DB 601A1, [...]

1/32 Scale Italeri F-104G ASA-M Italian Air Force with real aluminum skin

Well I have started my second F-104 in less than a month! I was commissioned to do this kit for an Italian test pilot that flew this F-104, so here I go again! Cockpit and engine complete, now onto the hard part...the aluminum skin 🙁 I [...]

Project Completed: 1/72 MENG Fiat G.91R Light Fighter Bomber

I always loved the look of the Fiat G.91. I think it is the coolest looking little hot-rod of a fighter jet. For the longest time I thought it was a modified F-86, but it is a completely different all Italian designed NATO jet. I have [...]

Hasagawa 1/48 Macchi 202 Folgore

Here is another Italian fighter for your viewing pleasure. This one was also built strictly OOB. Sand and Spinach camo free hand airbrushed using MM Enamels, and minimal weathering using chalk pastels and the Tamiya weathering System. [...]