The Korean War Group Build Database at iModeler

6 articles

Korean War Group is coming to a close soon....

Hello again everyone. This is a friendly reminder that the Korean War group will be closing soon. The last day to accept any new build journal entries will be on July 27th, 2023. So if you wanted to build something for the group, the [...]

Reminder: Korean War group Build is about to end.

The anniversary date for the "Cease Fire" on July 27th, 1953 is quickly coming up. Since we recently started the Jim Sullivan memorial group build, I mentioned that I would make some minor changes to the Korean War group. Here [...]

Korean War Group Update: Reminder, it will end on July 27th, 2023

Hello again everyone. This is just a friendly reminder to let you know that our highly successful Korean War Group will come to a close in late July. This group followed the actual dates of the so called "Police Action", which [...]

70 years ago today. 1st LT Michael Rebo, shot down over North Korea. MIA for many years, and a childhood friend of my Dad

This is one of those things that you want to do... no, scratch that. This is something that I just HAD to do once I heard about the events that unfolded on this day over North Korea. I owe a sincere thank you to Jim Burke, who operates [...]

F7 Tigercat Korean War Group Build

Hi everyone, this is the Italeri 1/48 Tigercat. I also finally get to go back to in-person at my school. Walking around, I also noticed some models around my school including a 1:16 kv1 and a Thunderbolt of an unidentified but very large [...]

Korean War "Devotion" , Battle of Chosin Reservoir, LT/JG Thomas Hudner and ENS Jessie Brown Medal of Honor Mission Dec. 4th, 1950

This is a build that I have wanted to do for many years now. It covers a story that some of you will recognize right away. Some of you may not. Please read along with me and I'll explain. Be warned, some of what I'm going to be telling [...]