The MiG-21 Database at iModeler

71 articles
  • Items tagged with MiG-21
  • 71 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 1 month ago

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed

Rescue from the shelf of Doom: Academy's Mig 21

A long time ago I acquired a two-model deal. The first model (Eduard's Mirage) quickly found its way to the display shelf. I used the Polish swordfish scheme decal of the Mig model on an Eduard model and the model found it way to the shelf [...]

My First Natural Metal Finish

This is an Academy 1/48 MiG-21 that I built to do in natural metal finish, my first. I used the technique found in AK’s book FAQ using Tamiya paints primarily along with other things such as pencil lead, both drawn on and powdered. I was [...]

Eduard 1/48 Egyptian Mig 21

Eduard's excellent 1/48 Mig 21 and the almost endless color schemes of operational aircraft was a big incentive for me to keep building this model. The Egyptian Air Force had also a variety of schemes. I avoided the pink scheme because the [...]

1/48 Eduard Mig21PFM

This model I received as a gift from my friend who tragically passed away. I started doing it about a year ago, but it was very traumatically for me to continue with it. Finally, as a omage for my friend I decided to finish it. I don’t [...]

Here is my MiG-21, it's OOB but I added...

Here is my MiG-21, it's OOB but I added aftermarket wheels.

1/48 EDUARD MiG-21bis Croatian Air Force, 22nd Squadron (1995)

After two modernized MiGs from 191st Squadron ((link)) I tried to go back to the past. 22nd Squadron of Croatian Air Force was formed on November 6th 1991 as predecessor of newly formed Croatian Air Force. Together with 1st Fighter [...]

Academy /48 Mig 21SM

As I am not a Mig 21 expert, I will not say that all of what I did on this build, was absolutely correct. I based the markings on a profile (eek) of Mig 21s in Afghanistan in the 80's. I found a KMC Mig21 MF resin cockpit during one of my [...]

1/48 Eduard MiG-21PF

A kit that's now a few years old but still a favourite. This is the Weekend Edition of the 1/48th Eduard MiG-21PF. It's a very nice kit with a few more variants in the collection to eventually be done. Not much to say about it except that [...]

MiG-21MF 'Fishbed-J'; Yugoslav Air Force

Well known Eduard 1:48 kit OOB with Balkan Model decals. Commision build for an ex-21 driver and the number was his wish (101 was in fact a bis number in YuAF). Unfortunately this is my first aircraft model this year. I only managed to [...]

Eduard MiG 21 MFN 1/48 Czech Air Force

Hi there, This my recente project, one of those very nice Eduard Migs 21. Used canopy masks, interior PE and metal pitot tube. No issues at all and, despite being a little bit worried about the "tiger stripes" decals, they turned [...]