The Minicraft Database at iModeler

56 articles
  • Items tagged with Minicraft
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  • Last addition 2 months, 1 week ago

Minicraft model kits

1/32 F-16A Minicraft (1982)

Whenever I come across a few impressive historical photos, I can't help but want to try them. Working with a recycled piece like this is the perfect opportunity to experiment and see what’s possible! This scale model presenting the [...]

1/144 TWA C-54.

This started life as a Berlin Airlift boxing of the Minicraft kit. I picked it up at a swap meet for $3. A deal too good to refuse! This is also how stashes grow exponentially, lol. Anyways, I was going to build it using the kit [...]

1/48 A6M5 Zero

This is my recently completed 1/48 Minicraft/Hasegawa A6M5a Zero. A few months ago I found its worn & battered 1985 dated box on the consignment table at the LHS for $10. Given the price of new kits these days, it seemed like a [...]

1/144 DC-6B.

Here’s another one I never shared from the pre social media days. It’s the Minicraft DC-6 from 1997 or 98. I built this one in ‘98 and it was pretty new at the time. I discarded the Pan Am kit decals in favor of these United [...]

Minicraft/Hasegawa 1/72 EA-6B ProwlerDesert Storm

This is a rather old kit, but did include engraved panel lines. My experience with Hasegawa engraved lines is they can be a bit too shallow to hold panel line wash well, so I deepened them a bit. The intakes are just solid blanks, as the [...]

Cold War WarriorBoeing B-52, Bomber Command Group Build

When I resumed modeling a few years back, I decided to try to build airplanes that were significant to me, either airplanes I had flown and worked on, or those that just grabbed my attention. The Boeing B-52 holds a special place in my [...]

B-17F Miami Clipper

This B-17 completed 28 missions with no crew members killed, only two were wounded. The Miami Clipper completed its last mission in March of 1944 and then was returned to the USA. It was scrapped in January 1946. It was assigned to the [...]

1/144 RAAF P51 (Minicraft)

This is my first 1/144 model.i normaly build 1/72 1/48 and 1/35 kits of all kinds.i got this kit off ebay for free.they sent me a $5 gift card and i purchased this kit with it. I replaced the decals with aftermarker decals from ebay.i [...]

Pan Am Boeing 707-321B Clipper

Pan Am Douglas DC-6B Clipper