The restoration Database at iModeler

6 articles
  • Items tagged with restoration
  • 6 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years ago

Classic Kit: Aurora 1/48 P-38 Restoration

This is a labor of love. I wanted to see if I could build a broken relic into something presentable. I learned about the P-38 when I build this kit as a child and I would fly it around outside shooting down me109s and what have you. The [...]

Restoration Project, Avro Vulcan B1a

Well, the danger of moving boxes etc in the man cave, you occasionally come across a project you had tucked away in a "safe place" and then forgotten about. This is the Airfix 1/72 Avro Vulcan B2, converted back to a B1a. I used [...]

Airfix 1/72 Wellington Mk 1a/c "R" Robert

Alongside my He111, I'm also making the Airfix new mould kit. I'm going to be doing "R" Robert. I will therefore be building her in the Mk1a configuration. The actual aircraft was recovered from Loch Ness back in the 1980's and [...]

Revell Convair Tradewind – Restoration

Since I am not as young as some hobby friends, I have many recordings of the good times of Revell in Brazil, between the ages of 60's and 70's. I intend to build some models that make me return in time, as a rescue of the memory of [...]

Restoration Debacle and Redemption

Very obviously not my work, but I felt it worthy of note. The link is below but the skinny is that an attempt to restore a priceless Spanish cultural treasure was botched. Professionals stepped in and saved the day, restoring the work to [...]

1/48 Strombecker X-1B Restoration

It's not quite finished, but thought I would post anyway. I got this model off ebay. It was an estate sale purchase. I paid way too much for it, but I like the old dogs and it is an original Strombecker kit. It arrived in pretty bad shape. [...]