Republic F-105 Thunderchief
The Thunderchief Database at iModeler
19 articles
F-105F Thunderchief ,1/72 Monogram
Inspired by Greg Kittinger's father's photos, I decided to build an F-105F, using Monograms 1/72 kit. I tried to replicate the markings in Mr. Kittinger's images the best that I could, including the buzz number on the wing tanks, of which [...]
F-105 Thunderchief (Thud) – 1/1
From October 1963 to September 1965 we were stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB in N. Carolina. Dad flew the B, D and F models of the Thunderchief, as part of the 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron. A TDY assignment took the unit and it's Thuds [...]
F105 1/48 hobbyboss
Great kit oob. Painted with ak interactive usaf tac sea paint set weathered with ak products and artists oils. This was a really slow build it took me around 1.5 months to compleate maybe im starting to slow down ( can you belive it David [...]
Republic F 105 D Thunderchief
This is the classic Monogram Thud in 1/48 scale. The model depicts the Thud flown by Capt. Peter Foley on 13 March 1968. This Thud belonged to the 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing. The 469th "Fighting [...]
Republic F-105 Thunderchief, one of the greatest airplanes ever...
I always have liked the Republic F-105 Thunderchief. Designed to do a clean, precision, tactical nuclear attack, back in the Cold War days. And then never doing that, but saddled with a grunt job of delivering conventional ordnance at low [...]
HobbyBoss F-105D Thunderchief (1/48th)
Here's the HobbyBoss F-105D in 48th. The kit has way too many parts, that make construction difficult, especially the wings. The seperate spoilers on the upper wing are a pain and it's a pain to get the spoilers to lay flat. The same goes [...]
F-105D Flown by Colonel Robert L.Stirm, USAF Ret. POW
Col. Stirm is another member of our little "Military Mafia" lunch group that meets each week to solve the worlds problems. It is indeed my privilege and honor to know him and call him my friend. Our lunch group has an interesting [...]
Monogram’s 72nd F-105F Thunderchief Vietnam
Whenever I get a kit to add to the stash, whether Ebay, hobby shop, online, etc, for the most part a quick peak inside and off to the stash it goes.. But one look at this, the detail for this scale it was basically the 48th kit shrunk down [...]
My 1/32 Republic F-105D Thunderchief – “Alice’s Joy”
I submit for your consideration my Trumpeter (mostly) 1/32 Republic F-105D Thunderchief.
"Alice's Joy" was Col. Jack Broughton's ride when he was the Vice Wingie at the 355 TFW at Tahkli, Thailand circa 1967. Having read all of [...]