The What-if Database at iModeler

158 articles
  • Items tagged with What-if
  • 158 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 5 months ago

What-if modeling


I decided to take a break from attempting to create replica models of actual subjects, and ended up with with a Great War 'what if?'. I only intended to spend a few days on this little piece of nonsense, but as usual it dragged on and on. [...]

The Spit-Racer

I had this half built Otaki 1/48th scale Spitfire stashed in my shelf of doom, until I saw on the internet a guy from Melbourne who scratch built some 1/32 aircraft (Spitfire, Messerschmitt and MiG 15) into some sort of race cars. I liked [...]


hello, this is another alternative history where americans started testing new airframes and components with german engines. For testbed, was used p-47 fuselage converted for smaller jet engine and corsair style wings with reinforced [...]

F-105D Marineflieger, 1/72 Hasegawa

What if the West Germans back in the day replaced their F-84's with the Thud instead of the F-104? Less fatalities, maybe, I don't know. I got this off the net, there was supposed to be a 'B'[ shorter nose] in the box but it turned out to [...]

E-100 with V1 in 1/72 scale – What If

Dear iModelers! Another project is finished. And in this case, it is all based on a 'what if' project. The Panzerkampfwagen E-100 belongs to the so called „E-Serie“ which should replace the „Panthers“ and „Tigers“. Up until [...]

Wunderwaffe V-4

So we go to alternate history again, and this would be V-4 cruise missile with RATO and ram jets. Story is long with this one where flying part was done years ago with intention to be racing biplane, then abandoned. Then the wiesel 2 hull [...]

Gotha P60 flying wing in 1/72

Dear iModelers! This article belongs to category 'what if': it is based on Horten brothers‘ flying wing aircraft concepts. At Gothaer Waggonfabrik they also worked on realizing this futurist concept at the end of WWII. In contrast to the [...]

Takom T-14 ArmataUrban Arctic Camouflage, “what-if” WW3

Hello fellow modelers. Heres a T-14 Armata from Takom in 1/35th scale, I finished later last year and I can tell you that it was a joy to build and paint! I decided to go with this urban winter camouflage to make something different that [...]

(AGGC) Anti-Gravity Go-Cart

Yep! Another anti-gravity vehicle. I can't seem to get enough. I tend to want to turn everything in to a floating subject. For this conversion, I used the Revell Ford GT vehicle and did some major surgery to it. The original engine was [...]

JS-3 What If?

This diorama represents a Russian JS-3 that is protecting a factory in Siberia,1946. The Germans have taken most of Russia. The field modifications of screen armor and steel plate protection of the intakes were done to improve [...]