The Wildcat Database at iModeler

156 articles
  • Items tagged with Wildcat
  • 156 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 6 months ago

Grumman F4F Wildcat

F4F. The wild Cat from the Henderson Field.

Helo. White MF-1, flown by Captain Robert E. Galer, Commander of VFM-224, Henderson Field , Guadalcanal, New Caledonia, September 1942. This is the not bad/not good 1/48 Wildcat from Trumpeter. Build oob. Gunze MR.Color lacquer paints and [...]

Arma Hobby 1/72 Grumman Wildcat Mk. VI/Martlet

Hi There, What can I say it's Arma. A cracking wee kit. The only fit issue I found was with the Canopy. Primed with Tamiya Neutral Grey, Painted with Colourcoats Sky Type S, Extra Dark Sea Grey, Dark Slate Grey, Light Aircraft Grey and [...]

Arma Hobby General Motors FM-2 Wildcats

Arma Hobby is beginning to make a name for itself by releasing subjects which have been long overlooked in 1/72 scale. This is the FM-2 variant of the Wildcat. This version was produced by General Motors so Grumman could focus on Hellcat [...]

Review: Arma Hobby 1/72 FM-2 Wildcat review

FM-2 Wildcat (Arma Hobby 1/72)

Again this is a new model kit of a Polish manufacturer Arma Hobby, released in May this year (2020). FM-2 kit is the first variant of the F4F's, and more to come - the clear sprue contains fuselage windows not needed for this GM-built [...]

1/48 Hobby Boss F4F-3 Wildcat – the first Navy plane to score a kill in WWII

The Hobby Boss 1/48 F4F Wildcat series are good kits that come close to being great, but don't quite make it. I I built the F4F-3 'early version', which I converted to an F4F-3A. Highlights are good surface detail, a two-piece canopy, [...]

Grumman Martlet 11 (Wildcat) ,Tamiya ,1/48

This is the Tamiya kit finished in decals from Hannants "Yanks with roundels part 2". The kit was a joy to build which it would be coming from Tamiya , I wouldn't expect anything else really . Fit was great ,the build process was [...]

FM-1 Wildcat HobbyBoss 1/48

Hello Everyone! This is my second completed kit of the year of many more to come. I knew that the hobbyboss is quite a good kit, I found it at a really good price in a hobbyshop and I couldn't resist. I detailed the cockpit with some [...]

Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat "White 18"Tamiya 1/48

This build is the first of a series of Grumman 'cats that I plan to build in time. The kit is the revered Tamiya offering with the pronounced rivet details. This kit went together exceptionally well, no surprise there. I finished this one [...]

1/48 Scale F7F-Tigercat

Sometime in the early 1990's I met up with "Pylon Dave Jone's" who lived in Oklahoma/U.S.A. Dave sent me over 500 color 3-1/2" x 5" prints. I scanned in all of the photos, including several black and white prints then [...]