Zoukei-Mura model kits
The Zoukei-Mura Database at iModeler
63 articles
WIP: The 1/32 Ho-229 Saga Continues
Almost finished with the SWS Zoukei-Mura 1/32 Ho-229. The body and wing panels are removable to show off the nifty interior parts. The underside of the wing and center section will be given the plywood treatment, and I have to do a little [...]
The 1/32 Zoukei-Mura Ho-229: The End is Near.
Here's another installment in the Ho-229 saga. Got the wings done tonight! That was a big accomplishment. Little fiddly parts that had to be attached. Actually, I thought I was done. It just occurred to me that I haven't put in the nav [...]
More Z-M insanity.
So this Zoukei-Mura Ho 229 is taking on a life of its own. It's been consuming me, I can't stop thinking about it and It's driving me insane. Much more to go.
1/32 Zoukei-Mura Ho 229
Glacially slow progress on this beast. I wasn't sure how to portray the "beavertail" section so I made it a metal/wood combo because the molding is a bit ambiguous and I really couldn't fined any references. I attached the bottom [...]
1/32 Zoukei-Mura Ho 229
Normally, I would add this article to the Work-in-Progress section, but this this thing is coming along so nicely that I thought it would be appreciated more here. This has been-other than the addition of HGW seatbelts and wood panel [...]
Zoukei-Mura Ho 229 WIP
I started this a few weeks ago and have made some steady progress. This is the really wonderful 1/32 version. The level of detail in the kit is like nothing I've ever seen before. The wing is almost finished in the shot. I just finished it [...]
Year of the Cat
OK... another stretch.. the name on the cowling of this aircraft is "Paper Tiger"...
Whadda ya think...? qualify?
This is the SWS Zoukei-Maura 1/32 AD-1H Skyraider
FIRST ... This is an excellent kit. Well engineered, well [...]
1:32 Zoukei-Mura P-51D Mustang
This was my first build after a 25 year break from models so I figured start with the Cadillac of war birds. I picked the Zoukei-Mura over the Tamiya kit based purely on price. And I must say, this is a really nice kit. If you want to [...]