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Ray Seppala
30 articles

Welsh Models 1/72 Boeing 737-7DT (BBJ) – 34SQN, RAAF

January 7, 2018 · in Aviation · · 17 · 3.3K
This article is part of a series:
  1. B707 Tanker – RAAF 33 SQN RAAF
  2. Italeri C-130A Hercules, 36 SQN RAAF
  3. Dassault Falcon 900, 34SQN RAAF
  4. Welsh Models 1/72 Boeing 737-7DT (BBJ) – 34SQN, RAAF
  5. Lockheed AP-3C Orion, 10SQN RAAF, 1999
  6. Lockheed P-3B Orion, 11SQN RAAF
  7. Lockheed AP-3C Orion, 10SQN RAAF 2018
  8. Boeing P-8A Poseidon, 11SQN RAAF
  9. Lockheed C-130J-30 Hercules, 37SQN, RAAF Richmond
  10. Gulfstream MC-55A Peregrine (G-550), 10SQN RAAF
  11. Lockheed AP-3C(EW) Orion, 10SQN RAAF 2023
  12. Lockheed P-3C Orion, 10SQN RAAF 1985

Welsh Models are known for the vacform/ kits. This kit was a challenge in some areas, in particular getting a solid join between the vacform fuselage and resin wing roots. The other issue I had was the amount of nose weight required to counter the resin tail parts. It was finished in the kit decals which were printed by Ronin Graphics. These were their older laser printed decals on continuous film.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Exceptional build, sir...especially given the fact that it's both vacuform AND resin in the construction (neither of which I've had much experience with and realize the complexity of both materials). It turned out particularly well in my opinion and I applaud your expertise in the construction process and the end result. Very nice work, my friend.

  2. You put a lot of work into your build Ray, and it shows. Very nice result.

  3. Great 737, Ray! It looks like quite a project, but you've shown how a model like that SHOULD be done.

  4. Those Welsh Models kits are not easy. You have "Done Good."

  5. Hello Ray,
    Nice job on this B-737. Especially considering the work that went into it.
    Regards, Dirk

  6. Ray, good one! I can't imagine trying to mate vacuform with resin cast.

  7. Just hearing the words "vac formed" makes my eye start to twitch! an excellently executed project in very difficult mediums! (wow - try to say that sentence multiple times quickly...!) Love the way it turned out!

  8. By the way, I like that lovely C-47, too. My Mom was a stewardess for Lake Central Air when they had a 20-plane fleet of DC-3s surplus C-47s. They were cool planes & the 1st plane I ever flew anywhere on.

    Great 737 !

  9. Vacform, resin! holy double trouble! An excellent build sir!

  10. Looks good Ray, is that the BBJ next to the C17 or the Wedgy, and how much lead ? nicely done !

    • Allan, The BBJ stared as a Wedgetail build a few years ago and stalled due to glue issues. I substituted parts between the started Wedgetail and BBJ kits when I decided to build the BBJ for a club display. Can't recall how much weight, I never weighed it. I just add weight until it sits OK. With all the resin in it and nose weight, it does feel quite heavy compared to an injection moulded kit.

  11. Thanks again everyone, I was glad to finish this one up. I have another 2 1/72 Welsh Models 737 kits to build. I hope my trials on this one will help with the next ones.

  12. Wow, it looks really neat, a fantastic build.

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