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Brian Hathaway
14 articles

Fleet in need of repairs

August 1, 2019 · in Ships · · 7 · 2.8K

Here is my collection of scale ships. Most are in need of major repairs. In here are the cruises U.S.S. Pittsburgh, U.S.S Baltimore, the battleships U.S.S. Arizona, U.S.S. North Carolina, U.S.S. Washington, U.S.S. Alabama U.S.S. Iowa, U.S.S. New Jersey, U.S.S Missouri, U.S.S. Wisconsin, and the French battleship Richelieu, 2 IJN HIEI battleships, 2 German Z class destroyers, 2 Fletcher class destroyers, a R.M.S. Titanic in a dazzle paint scheme, a Arleigh Burke class Flight IIA destroyer U.S.S. Pickney, U.S.S. Hornet, German Graf Zeppelin, IJN I 16, I 58, IJN Zuikaku, prewar IJN Akagi with her original 3 aircraft launching flight decks, type VIIc and type IXc u-boats, a Soviet Typhoon, Kilo class sub plus the infamous Kursk, and an American Gato class sub, as well as the Soviet battle cruiser Kirov, and finally there is a 1/350 scale Oliver Hazard Perry in the back. 2 goals of mine are to build every battleship and carrier that were built and started then scrapped.

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7 responses

  1. Your "mothball" fleet is impressive - and remember...a ship model is ALWAYS a work-in-progress (no matter where in the process one is). πŸ™

    • Well Craig the fleet has a lot of parts broken off by my daughter. The Richelieu had her superstructure knocked off, the Graf Zeppelin's island structure was knocked off as well.

  2. Reminds me of the mothball fleet that was at the Naval base in Philadelphia.

  3. Looks like Battleship Row in Hawaii πŸ™‚

    Like so much the Navy models, and your collection is very pretty.

  4. Great collection of ships. I am always amazed at how all the little fiddly bits seem to jump off their attachment points on a perfectly good model in a case. I always think there is some demon or spirit living in my display case having a great laugh. I am glad to see I am not the only one who doesn't put all of the photoetch on 1/700 scale ships. At my age I can't even see most of the 1/700 photoetch parts for my models.

    • Yeah the photo etched brass or steel parts are great but sometimes they are not worth the time and hassle to fold and paint them. Sometimes the plastic parts are more realistic. Those should be for larger ships and armor models but you know how some people are, if it's out there for thier model they need to have it. The demon spirit in my case is my little girl. I had All my models in plastic storage bins under my wife and my bed. As I was away from home for a deployment our daughter went on an exploring exploring excursion. My fleet suffered her wrath.

  5. WoW! That's quite a fleet, Brian!

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