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Carl Christensen
49 articles

Slow walk into captivity…

September 4, 2021 · in Diorama · · 14 · 1.8K

These 2 kits are the Hobbyboss White , and 'Road to the rear' cart with wounded German troops.

Both these kits have sat semi-assembled for years in my 'stash', and I never really found the right inspiration to build them.

I finally pulled the Scout car out and managed to finish it, but had no idea what to do with it as wanted to put it in a . Then I had a flash of inspiration and thought it might go well with the cart.

Chuck in a couple of Dragon, Tamiya, and Bronco 'British' figures from the spares box and 'Hey Presto' we have something that I'm actually really happy with. The Scout car is actually in New Zealand Army markings but most of the storage bags etc cover them so you can't tell unless you look very closely.

Reader reactions:
21  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Simply amazing, Carl!
    A great inspiration!

  2. Inspiration indeed, these two kits complement each other very well, and the figures are well chosen and posed, definitely liked.

  3. Impressive diorama, Carl @carlpud
    Paintwork on the figures is fantastic.

  4. Very lively diorama, the combination of all elements takes us to a certain moment in time indeed. Bravo

  5. That is a nice accomplishment and a lot of work. Well done, Carl.

  6. Excellent work on this very interesting diorama, Carl.

  7. That's a really superb diorama. A great choice, it "tells a story" easily. All the work on all the bits is all up to the same standard (the secret to a successful diorama). I like this a lot!

  8. Very nice composition! Good choice for kits and diorama details, liked! @carlpud

  9. Carl, Really nice work. Very realistic. You can almost hear the horses clopping along !

  10. Incredible is the first word that I think of. Very well done. Each time I look at this masterpiece, I notice something new.

    I definitely pressed the "like" button !

  11. That is a great dio! Well done.

  12. Nice story telling via diorama, looks great!

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