The M3 Database at iModeler

22 articles
  • Items tagged with M3
  • 22 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 7 months, 1 week ago

Dragon 1/35 M3A1 Half Track

The iconic American Half Track is well represented in Dragon's M3 variants. It was extensively modified, well produced and lasted for decades in the service of armies of many countries. The model is highly detailed and fiddly in places, [...]

Video: M3 Lee - 1/35 TakomTank Model

M3 Medium, General Lee goes to Russia. 1/35 Takom

When the United States was dragged into the Big one, everybody started to yell for help from the giant U.S. manufacturing colossus. Problem was, the colossus was not quite geared up yet with sufficient weaponry to send. We did send what [...]

1/35 Scots Greys M3 Grant.

I enjoyed the Stuart so much that I knocked out another old Tamiya tank kit that lurked in the stash for decades. This one is the 1974 vintage M3 Grant. Not a bad model for 1974. One thing the kit lacks are rails above the sand [...]

Slow walk into captivity…

These 2 kits are the 1/35 Hobbyboss White Scout Car, and Masterbox 'Road to the rear' cart with wounded German troops. Both these kits have sat semi-assembled for years in my 'stash', and I never really found the right inspiration to build [...]

M3 LEE A3 , 1/35 .

M3 LEE A3 , 1/35 , Takom. Not my best job ... 😀

M3A1 Stuart "Tiger" Tunis,1943Academy 1/35

Simple and fast building OOB,some missing marks per request of the owner..hope you like it...

Tamiya M3 Stuart, North Africa

Hi all, Here is my rendition of Tamiya's M3 Stuart (late). I built it out of the box, with the addition of some Value Gear stowage and used the kit markings for an American tank in North Africa. The real tank was knocked out in the first [...]


Израильские модификации полугусеничного БТР М3

Takom 1/35 M3 Lee late

Hi guys, Here are some close ups of my Takom, M3 Lee late in 1/35. built just out of the box. colors and weathering effects by: Ammo-Mig, Tamiya and AK. Have a great day!