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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

Minicraft/Hasegawa 1/72 EA-6B ProwlerDesert Storm

December 23, 2022 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.1K

This is a rather old kit, but did include engraved panel lines. My experience with engraved lines is they can be a bit too shallow to hold panel line wash well, so I deepened them a bit. The intakes are just solid blanks, as the model is designed so it can be built with the crew ladders down. I reamed out the intakes and used some sculpting epoxy to try to shape them up properly. It was my first time using this, so they aren't as smooth as I would have liked, but looking at the model with a Mk. 1 eyeball on a table they look ok. If I had planned better, I would have added compressor blades before I closed up the fuselage, so there would be more to see looking down the gullet.

There were a few fit issues around the canopy that I didn't do a very good job of cleaning up - my only real regret with this build.

Besides the crew, the only other adds were the two sloped aerial vanes on the upper spine, one small raised inlet on the right side of the upper rear fuselage, and the "rod" across the top of the aerial vane just aft of the canopy. I drilled out all the intakes and vents.

I really wanted to do this 3-tone desert scheme from , but the only decals for the actual unit that flew in this scheme are for 1/48. I found a set of decals for another Desert Storm unit that were in a very dark grey (not the black I was really hoping for), and just went with those. So it's not a historically accurate bird, but close enough for me!

Masking for the small brown squiggles was challenging, and in the end I used frisket paper, after using tracing paper and a light table to transfer the pattern, then cut out with disposable scalpels. You have to be careful with the frisket, as it leaves adhesive behind to be carefully cleaned off. Most of the reference photos I could find showed these Prowlers in pretty pristine shape without much weathering or staining. I used some references of other Prowlers that showed more weathering and transferred those ideas to this one. I don't know how accurate, as I don't know how weathered they really got during the war, but I like it with a bit more grime.

Most of my black-basing effort disappeared due to the fact that I wasn't paying close attention and laid down the wrong color for the base coat. Thus by the time I laid down the correct color I lost the effect.

The canopy came in this dark brown clear plastic, so it's a tad darker than it should be, but again, I'm ok with it! Saved me trying to get it right...

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15  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. A wonderful result, Greg! Love how this came out! All extra effort paid off, the intakes, for example, look great! Great approach to weathering: despite the said pristine condition, no harm done if weathering a Desert Storm bird!

  2. This looks very nice in the uncommon paint scheme . The weather looks great . You did a lot of extra work to improve this kit, not an easy task, especially in 1/72 scale .

  3. Very nice Powler, Greg. Grime, weathering and Desert Storm paint schema all look great!

  4. Amazing work, usual.
    Great work on that camo and the jet intakes.

  5. Beautiful! I’ll be referring to this when I build mine.

  6. Another of your excellent flying models, Greg, merry Christmas.

  7. I really like this in the out of the ordinary scheme. It looks very good.

  8. There's something about a Prowler or Intruder in flight, you've captured it exactly in your build! Great looking Desert Storm scheme. I remember when the Prowler was introduced, everyone in the air wing told to take care around the canopies as they were impregnated with a gold laminate.

  9. Great achievement on this Prowler, Greg @gkittinger
    Especially since this is 1/72, you did a great job on the extras.
    This camouflage scheme and weathering really do it justice.
    Merry Christmas.

  10. Very nice result especially in this scale.

  11. Incredible looking model and work Greg. The presentation is top notch as well.

  12. Well done, Greg!

  13. Very nice and unique desert camo on your Prowler, Greg @gkittinger. Happy holidays to you!

  14. Nice job. I really like the weathering. I think you got it right. I never saw a Navy or Marine aircraft that was “pristine” except when it just came off the factory production line…or was a Blue Angel.

  15. Very nice, Greg (@gkittinger). I have build this kit, so I can appreciate how much work you did to bring this kit up to this remarkable level. I also like the unusual camo. Well done. Have a great Christmas.

  16. Great build! Fantastic pilots!

  17. Looks great! Like the desert camo scheme.

  18. Super nice Prowler, Greg. Weathering and thr Desert Storm scheme came out looking great!

  19. Great work on this one Greg, the camo was so hard on 48th scale, can't imagine your stuggles at 72nd, It looks really amazing in flight as well. Well done - really a cool plane and build, and the weathering is really cool.

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