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David Butler
29 articles

1/48 Tamiya FW-190

March 29, 2024 · in Aviation · · 27 · 294

I got this as a gift a few months back. I don't normally do German aircraft as I am scared off by the complex camo schemes but I decided to give it a go.

This was enjoyable because I was just focused on a nice result not super realism- I don't know much about German aircraft of WWII so I didn't obsess over getting ever color correct or exhaust stain perfect. The kit went together really nice, typical quality. Finished with Vallejo acrylics and lightly weathered with oils and pastel powders.

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25  Awesome 2 

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27 responses

  1. Nice work, David. Your mottling is excellent. Mottling is fun once you figure out the right pressure/thinner mix at paint time. I enjoy doing them in 1/48, but these schemes start to get hard in 1/72 for me. I should do more, but my interests seem to lean towards naval aircraft and Pacific/CBI theater subjects.

  2. @dbutlr that’s beautiful! Very well done!

  3. Great result here David @dbutlr
    I agree with John’s comment about mottling being fun once you get your airbrush dialled in. Looks like you needn’t have worried, the camo looks very nice and pretty accurate too. I’d say you nailed it!

  4. Well done, David (@dbutlr). I am exactly the same way about mottled finishes and natural metal finishes. I have started to do some NMF, so they are not quite so scary. One of these days I will do a mottled camo. You have certainly conquered the mottled finish, and it looks really good.

  5. Nicely done, David. Nothing ventured Nothing gained. Can't wait to see the next one.

  6. Glad you gave this FW190 it a try David, because your Wurger bird looks excellent. Very well done!
    Great job with the camo scheme.

  7. Love it!

    Brian Riedel

  8. G’day David (@dbutlr),
    Nicely done for a first go at a Germsn camouflage - or for a tenth. I find the thing with mottling is to stop just before it looks like too much.

  9. A very nice build, David.

  10. Great work on this 190!

  11. David, This is really nice. For somebody who is scared about German paint scheme's, you sure pulled off a winner here.

  12. Excellent job, David! You nailed the camo! Now you can do as many as you like!

  13. Excellent, not just for a first try either.

  14. This Fw-190 looks like it was painted by a highly-experienced expert on Luftwaffe camouflage schemes and colors. Excellent result!

  15. Great job, and excellent paint work. I have a 1/32 scale Me 109 that I've been slacking on because of fear of screwing up the camo. I really like all the possibilities and variety the German subjects have to offer, and I have a lot of German aircraft kits, I just need to get over the fear of screwing up and do it. Your 190 has kinda given me a kick in the pants get back on my project.

  16. You did a wonderful job on this Würger, David @dbutlr
    The camouflage scheme came out really nice, you clearly know how to get the mottling done.

  17. Excellent work, David...your 190 looks awesome!

  18. Done a great job on the 190 Daid. Now you have done one I'm sure more will follow 👍 excellent

  19. Very nice paintwork and mottling. You must be a natural talent. I know from my own experiences that mottling can be very tricky to do.
    You did a fantastic job though. Top notch!

  20. You nailed it. That mottling looks absolutely perfect, David @dbutlr.

  21. Thank you to all who have commented on this post. Your words are extremely kind and encouraging! It has definitely given me the confidence to try another Lufftwaffe scheme in the near future. I've been eyeing the HobbyBoss 1/48 Me-262 which can be found online for as low as $23. . . seems to be a pretty respectable kit. Let me know if anyone has any tips or suggestions on taking it on

  22. David @dbutlr I think you got the 190 camo dialed in. Now the 109 patterns from Regensburg or WNR make me quail at building any after a North African G-2/trop.

  23. Excellent job - you nailed it!

  24. One of my favourite aircraft, too!

  25. Super nice looking FW-190 ! You did excellent work on this.

  26. Nicely done, Camo looks fine. The camo schemes of the German scares me off.

  27. Looks perfect to me! Well done.

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