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Joe Bianco
11 articles

Chuck Yeager’s P51D Mustang Glamorous Glen III

September 28, 2021 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2.9K

I finished this in Chuck Yeager's markings. I was thinking this would be a quick build (and it should have) but it ended up taking me almost three months. The model is built straight out of the box. Markings were mostly Barracuda Decals with a few kit decals. Natural metal finish was done with various shades of Alclad II paints. Each photo is a series of multiple shots taken with Canon EROS T5 digital 35MM camera and stitched together to form one photo.

Reader reactions:
26  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. An amazing job out of the now classic very good Tamiya kit, Joe!
    Love your NMF.
    Welcome aboard!

  2. What a great build and great photography to bring it to life! Thanks for posting it, and I hope to see more of your work.

  3. Yow! That's a beauty.

  4. Very nice work on that old stallion, turning it into a young pony. Superb NMF work.

  5. Pretty pony Joe, I like it.

  6. Beautiful work, this is a great looking Mustang.

  7. Awesome build, Joe @mercenarymodels
    Great entry to this community, welcome.
    This Mustang looks beautiful and your NMF result is superb.
    Love to see more future work from you.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A very gorgeous and alluring Mustang model build Joe.
    Nice sharp photography and a outstanding NMF.

  9. Wow, beautiful P-51 Joe, and the photography work is really nice!

  10. Splendid Mustang Joe @mercenarymodels. Love the colors and the decaling works.

  11. Fantastic NMF Joe, great work

  12. OK...I agree with all the above, great model, but please explain stitching photos. What does that achieve? I am always ready to learn.

    • Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I am no expert on photography so what I'm sharing is an amateur's understanding. As we all know, photographing models can be difficult particularly with regard to depth of field. Back in the good old days I used to photograph my models using slide film and I had a decent wide angle lens that gave me good depth of field i.e. focus along the entire subject. Now I shoot with a digital camera but my old lenses don't fit the body (I'm guessing because most new lenses allow for automatic focusing features and thus not compatible). With regard to photo stitching it's software that allows you to take a series of photos of your subject (model) focused along different parts. The software assembles the array of shots into one focused photograph with depth of field in focus. It's not perfect and can be a bit time consuming but I found the results better than I can achieve with a single shot with stock lens on my digital camera. There are several different versions out there. I'm using one called Helicon Focus. I saw a video by Paul Budzik on youtube (I figured if it's good enough for him It's good enough for me). You can try it out for 30 days for free, subscription is around $30/year.
      Here's the link:

  13. Beautiful model, and some very artistic photography. I'd like to see a few additional photos in with a lighter background and higher light levels to be able to see more details, including a plan view! (I'm just greedy for reference photos...)

  14. I love your Mustang! I hope in short time I present my 1:72 th Mustang 🙂

  15. Wonderful job! One question for all you people. If you're having it beautifully buttoned up is there any advantage of the Tamiya kit over the Revell one?

  16. Lovely model and great photography. I really like the way the bare metal looks against the darker background. I thought this was the Tamiya 1/32 kit at first, given the quality of the finish.

  17. Great P-51, Joe (@mercenarymodels). NMF is well-done. I took a photo class in adult ed at a local school district, and they showed us how to photostitch. We were using it for landscape photography, but the results are dramatic.

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