126 articles · 66.6K karma · 135 friends · active 9 hours, 22 minutes ago
I build 1/72 aircraft, from WWII forward, only build them wheels-up. Until Dec. 2019, all my models were brush-painted (or rattle can if NMF). I finally entered the modern age of the airbrush at the end of that year.
Dad was a fighter pilot so I grew up on airbases - he was trained in T-28, T-34 & T-33, then flew F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4 (Cam Ranh Bay) and T-38 (as IP).
I'm a member of Tulsa Modeler's Forum club (www.tulsaipms.org).
Live in Tulsa, 6 kids, 1 GREAT wife.
Love the outdoors and good friends (stop and visit anytime you're in Tulsa!)
REALLY hope to build my complete stash before I die (does anyone actually know someone who has accomplished this?)!
I'm also a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, so if you ever feel the need for some extra prayer, feel free to reach out.
Finally finished another of my Phantom builds. I used a set of dry transfers for the stenciling and panel numbers (at least 50 hours of effort - details in the build thread). Don't know that I want to do that again! Added some pilots and [...]
Here's the first finished model in my F-4 long-term project. I used the Italeri F-4 E/F/G kit, as it has been recommended as one of the better kits for depicting the wing slats and slotted stabs of later-variant E's.
The Turkish 2020 [...]
I had various projects (the F-2 and a Turk Phantom) in various stages of drying, so decided to pull out a small WWII kit that I could also build for our contest theme in April - "Made in Japan." I had recently seen some great [...]
This was my first airbrushed jet project. I attempted a hybrid black-basing technique - when I laid down the white, I used the erratic swirl pattern, but stayed a bit clear of panel lines to end up with a sort of panel line pre-shading [...]
Well - up early, stockings are stuffed and waiting for the kids to wake up and wife to return from her early morning walk, so thought I'd go ahead and post my last finish of the year (just finished the rigging yesterday)...and Merry [...]
Started this one quite awhile ago. It got put on the shelf after being masked for painting, waiting for me to move, get my airbrush booth set up, and then finally take the plunge into using it! This was my third project airbrushed (after [...]
I bought this kit for $10 at a contest, after calling a friend to ask if he could vac-form new canopies, as those in the kit were yellow as burnt wheat! The kit was a mix - it has nicely engraved panel lines, some nice resin additions [...]
Our club started a cold war build last summer, to be revealed at our December meeting, and this is the subject I selected. It was only a few years ago I became aware of the Savage - the first carrier-born bomber capable of nuclear [...]
Our club contest theme for 2020 is "Made In Japan," and this is the first of 3 or 4 planned theme builds. Pretty much OOB, except I added some fins to the air intake on the fuselage side. I didn't intend to leave it a [...]
This was a project that started as "I'll just do a little clean-up on this old kit," and turned into a major project. I'm only posting the finished project pics here, but for details, especially the interior construction, you [...]