257 articles · 54.2K karma · 57 friends · active 1 day, 15 hours ago

Retired transit worker from NYCT. ,phormer phantom phixer f4j, low tech,low budget modeler. mostly a/c.

P-40F of 325th FG Checkertails, Lt.Col. Robert L. Baseler personal aircraft. 1/72 conversion.

I always wanted to model this aircraft. There was a limited run 1/72 kit with these markings but I missed the boat when they were more easily available, I found the kit recently on a site overseas, but it was cost prohibitive. There was a [...]

P-51D Lt. Robert W. Williams 100th FS, 332nd FG. 1945.

This kit of a Red Tails P-51D, is one that I never heard of, Premium Hobbies, It's a nice kit and went together well but I think that the shape is a little off. My niece got this for Christmas, they are finally listening to me, 1/72 kits [...]

Galileo II, Shuttlecraft Star Trek TOS, Amt/Ertl. 1/40-1/35?

This is the original AMT Shuttlecraft as seen on the original series. 1997 appears on the box Ertl own AMT at this time. I attempt to do some inside detail work, but that has never been my forte. There is an alien squatter though taking a [...]

Type 97 Chi-Ha Japanese medium tank. Atlantis/Aurora 1/48.

Used by the Japanese during WWII and were used by Chinese post WWII. A nice basic kit by Atlantis, Ex Aurora molds. I believe they got the molds by way of Monogram/Revell. I asked a gentleman from Atlantis at a long island model show about [...]

Taking an interest, a fathers influence.

Reflecting on my recent Star Trek Enterprise post and seeing Guy and Alexander Barker joint effort, I wanted to share one more thing about my dad, I have done so here in the past. The photo has us checking out the Enterprise kit that I had [...]

USS Enterprise Star Trek refurb,AMT/Lesney 1/650

Instead of buying an overpriced kit whose molds have been around since 1967.I thought maybe I could refurbish one that was hanging in the detached garage for over twenty years and had endured all those winters and summers, plus one roof [...]

P-47S Thunderhog? for the twenty first century. 1/72 Revell.

This started out as Revells 1/72 P-47M. Until my twisted mind spent too much time figuring out what scheme to choose. The result is a somewhat updated Thunderbolt. Utilizing modern ground attack weapons, some additional bumps and antennae [...]

RF-101C McDonnell Voodoo, 1/72 Hasegawa

This might be the first boxing of Hasegawa's Voodoo kit. Done up in an early camouflage scheme circa 1964, where the Voodoo had already been operating in Southeast Asia. I used some of the kit's decals, [ which is from an AMT boxing] and [...]

2022 in review

My 2022 builds. Happy Christmas, and a Merry New Year, a Peaceful one.

A-10B N/AW, Night/Adverse Weather, Hasegawa, Falcon Conversion, 1/72

Intended on improving the capabilities of the A-10A. One Warthog was converted with dual controls and updated systems which ended up on the fast movers of the day when it was decided not to go with the dual A-10. I used Falcons' triple [...]