258 articles · 54.2K karma · 57 friends · active 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Retired transit worker from NYCT. ,phormer phantom phixer f4j, low tech,low budget modeler. mostly a/c.

"The finest light cavalry in the world.."

Of the Native Americans of the Northern Plains, including the Sioux and others, that is how some historians have classified them. This is an old Imrie/Risley figure that my father had. Knowing that I could not do it justice if I attempted [...]

F-3H-3 or F-3E, Demon II

Here's a what iffer, What if the Demon got a proper engine, say a J-67 or j79, also with the upgrade is an IR sensor under the nose, duel wheel nose gear,zero-zero ejection seat, fully enclosed IFR probe, F-4 style stabilators, slap on a [...]


Found these two on the web, at a reasonable price. I have noticed of late that prices have gotten way out of hand. I bagged these with shipping for around 20 dollars US each. Some listings , for the TBD goes for three times as much or more.

F-4D Skyray NOTS, China Lake, 1/72 Airfix/MPC

Project Pilot conducted by Naval Ordinance Test Center{N.O.T.S.} in 1958, nick named NOTSNIK, was an attempt to air launch a satellite via rocket from a F-4D Skyray. Although there were several launches, none are believed to have really [...]

'Make sure you always carry a spare.'

Don't remember where I found this shot, Hmm maybe it's time to do another Phantom..

Project Spike ASAT F-106A, 1/72 Hasagwa.

This F-106A was used on Project Spike which was an ASAT program of the early '70s. Being fired from an F-106, the missile would release a terminal homing vehicle guided by solid rocket motors on a trajectory to intercept a selected [...]

F-14A No.3, 157982, 1/72 Hasegawa

BuNo. 157982, First flown on 12/28/71 it was the third pre-production F-14A built. It was used primarily to determine flight characteristics. one such test was asymmetrical wing sweep. In a series of flights between 12/19/85 to 2/28/86 the [...]

"Duel in the Sun" or YGBSM, F-105F vs SA-2 Guideline. 1/72

YGBSM meaning... You gotta be sh**ing me! The reaction to the description of the Wild Weasel mission when it was explained to an Electronic warfare officer who had transferred from B-52s. Much has been written about the WW mission who went [...]

Captured Hawk, P-36/ H75 in the Luftwaffe. Monogram 1/72.

This represents one of the dozen or so H 75's that were captured by Germans, which sold many to the Finns. I think that the Monogram kit is still the best representation of the P-36 in 1/72. Thanks go to Tom Bebout for supplying the kit.

A bit of nostalgia, brushes 144 [gross] ,disposable paint brush

When I started to paint my models as a kid using Pactra and Testors 1/4 ounce bottle paints, to help me out my Dad or my Mom gave me a box of 144 little brushes, the cool thing was that they were disposable, they lasted me several years [...]