257 articles · 54.2K karma · 57 friends · active 1 day, 15 hours ago

Retired transit worker from NYCT. ,phormer phantom phixer f4j, low tech,low budget modeler. mostly a/c.

F-3H-3 or F-3E, Demon II

Here's a what iffer, What if the Demon got a proper engine, say a J-67 or j79, also with the upgrade is an IR sensor under the nose, duel wheel nose gear,zero-zero ejection seat, fully enclosed IFR probe, F-4 style stabilators, slap on a [...]


Found these two on the web, at a reasonable price. I have noticed of late that prices have gotten way out of hand. I bagged these with shipping for around 20 dollars US each. Some listings , for the TBD goes for three times as much or more.

F-4D Skyray NOTS, China Lake, 1/72 Airfix/MPC

Project Pilot conducted by Naval Ordinance Test Center{N.O.T.S.} in 1958, nick named NOTSNIK, was an attempt to air launch a satellite via rocket from a F-4D Skyray. Although there were several launches, none are believed to have really [...]

'Make sure you always carry a spare.'

Don't remember where I found this shot, Hmm maybe it's time to do another Phantom..

Project Spike ASAT F-106A, 1/72 Hasagwa.

This F-106A was used on Project Spike which was an ASAT program of the early '70s. Being fired from an F-106, the missile would release a terminal homing vehicle guided by solid rocket motors on a trajectory to intercept a selected [...]

F-14A No.3, 157982, 1/72 Hasegawa

BuNo. 157982, First flown on 12/28/71 it was the third pre-production F-14A built. It was used primarily to determine flight characteristics. one such test was asymmetrical wing sweep. In a series of flights between 12/19/85 to 2/28/86 the [...]

"Duel in the Sun" or YGBSM, F-105F vs SA-2 Guideline. 1/72

YGBSM meaning... You gotta be sh**ing me! The reaction to the description of the Wild Weasel mission when it was explained to an Electronic warfare officer who had transferred from B-52s. Much has been written about the WW mission who went [...]

Captured Hawk, P-36/ H75 in the Luftwaffe. Monogram 1/72.

This represents one of the dozen or so H 75's that were captured by Germans, which sold many to the Finns. I think that the Monogram kit is still the best representation of the P-36 in 1/72. Thanks go to Tom Bebout for supplying the kit.

A bit of nostalgia, brushes 144 [gross] ,disposable paint brush

When I started to paint my models as a kid using Pactra and Testors 1/4 ounce bottle paints, to help me out my Dad or my Mom gave me a box of 144 little brushes, the cool thing was that they were disposable, they lasted me several years [...]

Felix History, post WW2 VF-31 aircraft.

Fighting 31 Tomcatters is now the second oldest U S Navy squadron. It began in the 1930's as VB-1 flying Boeing F4Bs, Re-designated as VF-3 they flew F3F's ,F2A's, F4F's, during WW2 flying Hellcats two different squadrons claimed Felix as [...]