14 articles · 14.7K karma · 33 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

Airfix 1/72 scale F-86F/E(M) Sabre. With “The Huff” decals.

The F-86 was one of first new kits released from Hornby Hobbies and I believe that they may have lifted the drawings from one of their Corgi metal diecast kits to meet the needs of doing the plastic version in 1/72nd. Looking into the [...]

Nitto S.F. 3.D Original. Super Armored Fighting Suit. 1/20

A while back there was a story running on the news about incoming flights to LAX with pilots reporting that a guy flying in a jet pack was flying at 3000 feet. Going the opposite direction and a little close for comfort. The problem [...]

Howard Squire's Spitfire Mk Ia

For the longest time I was keen on buying some of the British specialty magazines devoted to aviation and would follow their stories on the restoration of rare World War II aircraft. Of particular interest was the recovery and restoration [...]

Hasegawa, Nakajima Ki44-II, Hei Shoki (Tojo) of the 104th Flight Regiment

Once again I found myself at the Hobby Store wanting to do something easy and relaxing and for some reason the store owner likes to have Nakajima Ki44 1/48 kits on the shelf. Apparently they sell. This would be a short quick build . . . [...]

Hasegawa De Havilland Mosquito B Mk . IV

Here is my contribution to the De Havilland group build. My inspiration for building this kit started when I was a youngster with a fever and was kept home and set in front of the TV to watch Mosquito Squadron 633. I don't know if I cared [...]

I used to think that the P 51D…

I used to think that the P-51D was so "Americana" as a kid. Going to air shows and being inspired to build the Monogram classic's with their 1/48 P-51B Ding Hao along with the P-51D Detroit Miss and of course Big Beautiful Doll [...]

Video: Building a Spruce Bi-plane in WWI

This is a very comprehensive movie showing the cutting of timber and grading of the lumber to seasoning it in oven. Down to the production and manufacture of aircraft. Plus, it shows the covering of the wings with Irish linen and the [...]

Silent film of Albatros production for all of you WnW fans.

Youtube has another neat film short done in Germany during the Great War. Showing some very involved manufacture of Albatros aircraft...from wood stock selection to final finish. (link)

Top Secret for 50yrs. Royce Williams Korean War story for Panther fans..

A follow up interview to TC's story... of Williams accomplishments in the Korean War as a Navy Pilot in his Grumman Panther taking on 7 Migs and downing 4 of them. Its neat to read about William's story when it broke out and then the [...]

ProModeler P-47N

Monogram continued their line of P-47's by doing the N model with engraved panel lines that are sharp on wings and soft on fuselage and Ok on the tail. In other words there is some in consistency of the last production model of the Jug [...]