73 articles · 4.7K karma · 34 friends · active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

I built plastic models as a kid, quit when 15 and took it up again ca 2002. I build mostly ships in 1:350. I've spent large parts of my life in the Stockholm Archipelago and I used to be a very keen sea kayaker. I like to take part in modelling contests and have also done quite a bit of judging.

My “Model of the Month” award kit just arrived!

I'm very proud and happy to have won the iModeler October award. Today, the price, Trumpeters Richelieu arrived. When I've finished her, I'll have a nice little french collection. It's a typical Trumpeter ship model kit, that is, it's [...]

RN Saetta, my first scratch build.

It was inevitable. After building the Roma, where I scratch built a lot of the details, and the Pola, where I scratch built half the model, scratch building an entire ship model was just the next natural step. Especially since I wanted to [...]

HMS Zinnia in 1:350

The HMS Zinnia was a Flower Class Corvette. This class of ships was quickly developed in the early months of 1939, when it became clear to the Royal Navy, that a war against the submarines of the German Navy might be imminent. The [...]

Moson. The place and the people.

Mosonmagyarovar is a small town, situated in the north western corner of Hungary, close to the borders of Slovakia and Austria. This area was once a part of the Habsburg Empire, which explains why the town also has a German name. This may [...]

Back to Go Modelling in Vienna.

Three years ago, I took part in Go Modelling in Vienna, the annual modeling show and contest of IPMS-Austria. (link) (link) What makes this event so special is the location in which it is held; das Heeresgeschichtliche Museum Österreichs, [...]

Back to Zeiskam.

Two years ago, I took part in the PMC Südpfalz modeling show in Zeiskam in the south western corner of Germany. (link) Since the show so well organized and its atmosphere so friendly, it was clearly time to go there again. It’s not a [...]

My 2017.

I finished fewer models this year than I usually do. My competing hobby, woodworking is the guilty party here. The build year started with Mirages Flower Class Corvette HMS Zinnia. A really nice kit. An article in English is coming up in [...]

Trumpeters Wellington Mk III.

Hi friends! I guess some of you know that this build was my "FRYING PAN CHALLENGE". (link) Yesterday was spent planting grass on the base plate. As you can see, I made some low valleys and hills in the plate, to give it a bit [...]

THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE! Part 5. Model finished. Challenge met.

Is that correct English by the way? Do you "meet" a challenge? Anyway, here she is. Since the last post, I've worked with thin mists of various colors over the paintwork and with artists colored pencils on the decals, to bleach [...]

THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE! Part 4. The fun has begun.

Playing around with the airbrush over large surfaces is the best part of aircraft modeling in my opinion. Before I painted the black underside, I laid a foundation of reddish brown. That was followed by a thin layer of dark grey and then [...]