73 articles · 4.7K karma · 34 friends · active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

I built plastic models as a kid, quit when 15 and took it up again ca 2002. I build mostly ships in 1:350. I've spent large parts of my life in the Stockholm Archipelago and I used to be a very keen sea kayaker. I like to take part in modelling contests and have also done quite a bit of judging.

THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE! Part 3. Fuselage and wings.

A german high quality virus halted the build for almost a week and ruined three days of skiing vacation, but today I got going again. The clear parts didn't really fit as one would wish, so some putty and sanding was required. With [...]

THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE. Part 2. Cockpit and engines.

With the FRYING PAN hanging above my tender neck, like the sword of Damocles, I've been working away on the Wellington. The interior of the aircraft has been build and finished. Trumpeter has added quite a bit of interior to the kit. Much [...]


Hi all modeling friends! Are you ready to pick up the gauntlet and accept THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE? Here is how it's done: Pick a kit that has been lying in your stash for at least a year. Set a time and a date, no more than six [...]

Ship weathering inspiration

Over the years, I’ve taken quite a few pictures of ships that I’ve traveled with, visited or seen in harbors. Apart from this being just a part of my interest in maritime things in general, they also serve me as reference pictures when [...]

MM Park in Watzenau

The MM Park in Wantzenau, some 12 km north of Strasbourg in the northeastern corner of France, is a recently opened military museum, dedicated mostly to vehicles and uniforms. I took the opportunity of visiting it, when I took part in the [...]

Models in Mundolsheim Part 2

Civilian cars aren’t exactly original, but we don’t see too many of them here at imodeler, so here are some. Some great animal sculptures were exhibited. Then there was this modeler, or group of modelers, that build horse [...]

Models in Mundolsheim

Mundolsheim is a suburb of Strasbourg in the northeastern corner of France. Last weekend, the 17th and 18th of June, Club Maquettiste de Strasbourg held their biannual modeling show there. (link) Since I’ve been brushing up my french [...]

Review: 1/350 Hobby Boss DunkerqueMy “Model of the Month” Award Kit Just Arrived!

I was very proud and to be awarded the ”Model of the Month” in April and I’m even more happy now that the award kit has arrived. @editor Martin, our editor, sent me a list of kits to choose from, but the one I really wanted wasn’t [...]

German Battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz

Battlecruisers were a hybrid type of ship, invented by the British in 1906. They were designed to have the firepower of a battleship combined with the speed of a cruiser. To achieve this, the armor had to be reduced, which turned out to be [...]

Euro Model Expo in Lingen, Germany

On the 24th and 25th of March the EME took place in Lingen in northwestern part of Germany. It was organised by Berthold Tacke, the former chief editor of ModelFan, the main German language modeling magazine. The idea was to create a big [...]