16 articles · 1.1K karma · 13 friends · active 3 years, 8 months ago

An Air Traffic Controller by trade. Aircraft owner (My Dad and I have a Cessna 170, an Acrosport II, a Pitts S1S, and the J-3 Cub in which he taught me to fly. I have WAY too many kits collected (about 1300) and too little time to build! I build mostly aircraft, any scale, era, country, and or type is fair game!

Yet more Hellcats!

I just had to join in on the Hellcat theme! Completed a few years ago this was started with the best of intentions to be a straight forward OOB build, the urge to add a few extra details began as I realized how well the basic Otaki/Arii [...]

Spitfire Mk XIV Rhapsody in Blue Rolls Royce’s Spitfire in 1/48

I’ve long admired the glorious turquoise and white scheme that adorned Rolls Royce’s Mk XIV Spitfire in the mid to late 1060’s just before G-ALGT played a supporting role in the epic film the ‘Battle of Britain’. A challenging [...]

Yet more old Monogram builds

To join in on the trip down memory lane here are a few of my old Monogram models, all were completed between 25 and 30 years ago. Eric aka The Yankymodeler

He-219 1/72 From the back of the display case.

Another in my series from the back of the display case. This time a real oldie, built over 33 years ago. Inspired by reading 'Night Fighter' by C.F. Rawnsley, my intent was to build a display of 1/72 scale WW II night fighters centered [...]

Boeing 247 1/72 Williams Brothers

Built basically OOB from the Williams Bothers kit in 1/72. I wanted a different aircraft than the supplied decals so registration markings were pieced together by cutting up the kit decals and the outline of the United States hand painted [...]

Another Otaki/Arii F6F-3 Hellcat in 1/48 The secret is out!

Built a few years ago, this was my second model after a decade long break in modeling. Started with the best of intentions to be a straight forward OOB build, the urge to add a few extra details began as I realized how well the rather [...]

Stars of the 1969 movie “Battle of Britain” seen together for the first time! (1/48 collection)

Seen last fall at a model contest just outside of Baltimore, as the crowds admired the many impressive models attending the event, a group of aging movie stars was seen gathered together on the collections category table. An enterprising [...]

Arrival of a “Major Award!”

A wonderful surprise on getting home Friday. My understanding wife met me at the door with a big smile, "Your 'major award' was delivered!" Not wasting the chance for the season appropriate, 'A Christmas Story' reference, I [...]

A-10 Warthog 1/48 Monogram

This is the model that got me back into the hobby after a decade long absence, 1/48 Monogram A-10 with a few tweaks. While being fairly well immobilized by a foot injury, I found two Monogram A-10s in my closet. I gave one to my 10 year [...]

Horse of a different color Cavalier Mustang 1/48 Tamiya conversion

Build a couple years ago, I was unpacking this from the trip back from the IPMS Nats in Orlando, and thought I'd get a couple pics before putting it back in the display case. I have many happy memories of attending airshows with my father [...]