Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
The city of Wellington, New Zealand, lays just across the Tasman Sea from my place in Canberra, Australia. And out near Wellington's airport sits the Stone Street Studios established by Sir Peter Jackson, the acclaimed director of The [...]
This build represents plane flown by Tetsuzo Iwamoto, one of the top scoring aces among IJNAF fighter pilots.
After two months of work, this is the final result.
Used lots of aftermarket stuff: Eduard cockpit interior and flaps, True [...]
Completed the today. Happy viewing. 🙂
Best regards, Vlad.
Spitfire PR.XIX with Xradecals & Ultracast add-onns. Decals, tyres and seat. Brake lines added from wire. My first PRU Blue ever and I tried to built it as almost new and well maintained - therefore weatheing kept in minimum. Hope [...]
This is a 1/48 Trumpy Sea Fury that I built a few years ago. I understand that the kit has some issues but what the hell, I built it anyways. Markings were some excellent ones from Mike Grant, possibly the best decals I have ever used. [...]
I thought that the aviation enthusiasts would like to see something I worked on last year.
I was given a set of castings for one of the desktop models produced by J. Lawson Model Makers. They sell finished examples to raise funds to help [...]
I often see the F4F referred to as a 'stubby little plane' or something similar, but to me the squared off angularity of it's wings and tail compliment the roundness of the fuselage nicely which I think is quite esthetically pleasing.
This [...]
This build was a nightmare to build - lots of rescribing, putty works, scratchbuild, riveting, but at the end I was very pleased with results.
Painted with Vallejo Acrylics, aftermarket parts: Neomega cockpit interieor, Begemot decals.
Yossarian: “Is Orr crazy?”
Doc Daneeka: “Of course he is. He has to be crazy to keep flying after all the close calls he's had.”
Yossarian: “Why can't you ground him?”
Doc Daneeka: “I can, but first he has to ask [...]
After seeing so many excellent models on this site, I have decided to add a few of my own humble efforts to this site. In the last decade kit makers have been redoing my favorite aircraft in larger scales so when Hasegawa released their [...]